He’s obviously new money...one does not drive the Rolls, one is chauffeured naturally.
He’s obviously new money...one does not drive the Rolls, one is chauffeured naturally.
I love these cars!! $40k is a tall ask, I wonder if they’ll take the bits of string and the $40.25 in my pocket?
I know there are quite a few dealerships being run by dinosaurs, these dinosaurs still regard the internet as a “fad”. They believe that doing business over these mysterious webs isn’t the way to conduct business.
Listen, you can’t go off and start spouting reason and logic you might create widespread thinking which would lead to agreeing with you then the people that love to hate wouldn’t be able to hate anymore!
He was asking what $60k car now is the modern equivalent. At roughly $60k for a Vette that would be a modern equivlent. I agree that they aren’t normally cross-shopped, I was just answering the question
If they want to make it more competitive just give them all Honda engines...
Lmao!! The y’all queda is gold!
Laguna Seca Lap times show a 1:33 for the C7 Vette and a 1:54 for the first gen NSX.
I agree for it’s time given it’s attributes it was affordable *IF* you were in the market for a comparable Ferrari/Lambo. The OP was talking about a “supercar that people could afford, attain and live with ever(y) day” implying that a majority of people were out buying these things which just wasn’t the case.
The original NSX was $60,000 today that’s almost $115k, I don’t know where you live but where I’m from that’s still not that affordable for a car.
I’ve always had a soft spot for the TLX it gets a lot of undeserved hate. When done properly they look great as evidenced by yours!
Hahaha! I saw the Fozzy and thought head gasket as well...Still a beast of a ride when done right.
Is it wrong that when her knees gave out I laughed?
Ha! I just sent it to my wife as well. She knows how much I despise this but she loves to push buttons...
When I eventually buy a Tesla, I’m going to rig 2 smoke stacks from some crashed douche bro truck and roll some watts on poor ICE drivers!
Some high quality trolling there! Thanks for the laugh
So Ken just a question, is it frowned upon to openly masturbate in any of these fine museums? I’m asking for a friend.
I still can’t see it?! Is it camouflaged? ;)