
I don’t hate on Ford. I drive a Ford and have for 13 years. It all comes down to how the company is acting at the time. Right now, they’re having issues with all their launches. I honestly do want a Maverick. I just don’t want to get sucked into a recall.

Unruly passengers really ruin everyone’s day. Every plane should have an ejecto seato, cuz.

Cash for Clunkers II: Electric Boogaloo

They also won’t buy it new regardless of price, but will still complain that it’s too expensive if it costs more than a $12,000 used Camry.

Tesla gives stock options.  There’s a lot of low level employees who are very rich.  That’s why they voted against a union.

This is great news. Only 21 short years ago, the Prius was a punchline and a political statement and hybrids were synonymous with veganism and voting for Ralph Nader.

Completely agree. About 4 months ago, i sold the one of the most desirable of the rangers— a 4.0 automatic extended cab ‘supercab’ with 4 doors, 6' bed, and 4x4. No lights on, and a stack of receipts from 4 years of updating maintenance of the previous owner..

Police in a Fox 11 report state that the intersection in question has a speed limit of 15 mph

President Biden shares some blame. Cancellation of XL pipeline slows available world supply. Cancellation of of new Federal contracts and anti Fracking stance is a loss of future supply. The reality of no supply difference right now means little to the stock market which is forward looking. 

You spent the whole article talking about supply issues and excess demand, then just blamed it on high prices.

While admittedly I am from the country, I can confirm that one man’s “illegal firework” is another man’s “god damn bomb.”

Crass language aside, “twat jockies” doesn’t actually seem like an insult.

Much law is a matter of interpretation, not black letter. Especially in a case like this. He’s going to weasel out of a drunk driving charge on a very technical technicality. That sure makes me feel safer on the road. I assume they will still nail him for fleeing or alluding.

So if I can make it to my garage, I’m safe!

Yeah, that’s what I figured. In that way I’d say it’s going to be fighting the 4Runner as much as it’s fighting the Wrangler. 

It’s one of those scenarios where if the truck had exploded and killed both society would have been the winner, but nobody ‘deserves’ to be tortured to death

My pants detach in favor of shorts pretty much every evening as soon as I get home. Does the NHTSA care? No. But when Ford detaches a wheel here or there, suddenly they matter. Damn corporations.

It's still necessary. I don't want cruise people on my plane. 

They’re just making up animals. What are they going to use next, a Puma?

I also like the fact that instead of “call the authorities”. He tells his partner to call the partners.