
Maybe you would like to list here exactly HOW she seems "disturbed and irrational"  so we can subpoena you in the court case as an example of people who "formed their wrongful opinion of Joyce due to the defamatory film by Errol Morris which did not illustrate the true facts of her life."  THANKS for lying on Joyce.

Amen to that!  Morris and his producers were deceptive with Ms. McKinney from the beginning as to the purpose of the interview.   While Morris interviewed her for a NON EXISTENT  "Showtime TV series on Paparazzi",  his cronies  (including Morris' producer Mark Lipson rummaged through her personal suitcase and stole

Since that paper is subject to libel action,  I wouldn't recomend them as a reliable source at all.  Just becasue they printed the tired MORMON sourced slander story, doesn't mean its true.  Or why don't you trot down and ask Kirk? He lives in Utah.

Ahhhh……Presenting "cuzn ed"—A Mormon who believes he is going to become a GOD,  and that polygamists Holy Joe and Frigham Young are PROPHETS of GOD,  or that Black people sinned in a pre-existent spirit world and bear the Mark of Cain,  and that God lives on a star named Kolob,  and that Jesus was a polygamist,  like

Whatsa matta? Can't you Mormons accept the facts tha she has friends (LOTS OF THEM)  and that they know the TRUTH about what happened in England, and all about the Mormon Cover Up?

Finally…someone is catching on…DIG DEEPER …DIG DEEPER….UTAH had a news black out on the truth….

What business is it of YOURS how she gets her money?  Are you her  accountant?
(Hint:  She files lawsuits when people are stupid enough and malicious enough  to slander her,  and she collects DAMAGES in the thousands!  And she well deserves it for the mental torture the Mormon sourced Slander Myth has put her and her

Go see the film "Exit to Eden"starring Dana Delaney and Paul Mercurio.  (Hint:  Kirk was a lucky guy!)

Calling her a "whore"  (which she ISN'T)  subjects YOU to a slander action yourself. Moreover, your service provider can be traced and her attorneys can subpoenae YOU to court as an example of people who thought she was a "whore"  "because they saw Morris' movie".  And by the way,  when she met Kirk, and  he asked her

Unless you have a degree in Psychology or Psychiatry,  and have met Joyce in person, you had better watch your defamatory language.  As of now,  you CAN be subpoenaed for the lawsuit as an example of people who formed a false opinion of Joyce by viewing Morris' film which wrongfully portrayed her as "crazy",  when she

Morris' producers pretended to be "from Showtime Network  doing a TV series on paparazzi and how it destroys privacy" and gave her a fraudulent contract to trick her into givng them an interview,  which they then altered and slandered her with by stamping libelous words across her face  like KIDNAPPER and BARKING MAD.

Actually Horsebutt (how aptly named)  has got it backwards.  It's the other way around:  The Mormons told the "Joyce raped the 300 pound Mormon" yarn so long they began to actually believe the myth  themselves!  The old gossip game.  [In real life,  Joyce never was even charged with raping him,  and the two of them

"Inle" is just another Mormon.  But Inle has never even MET Joyce,  and Ignorant Inle does not have a degree in Psychiatry OR Psychology.  Inle's false opinion of Joyce is gained by the libelous material in Morris' perverted film slandering Joyce. And Inle's service provider and name are being traced by Joyce's

And you,  Hunsweasel,  are probably a young MORMON!  How long have YOU been on the Slander Wagon?

What an IDIOT MIller is!…  Not only has he NEVER EVEN MET Ms. McKinney, he doesn't even have a copy of her lawsuit.  But he can get it in Los Angeles Superior Court.
   And by the way "Miller"—-she is far from "witless" as you slander her in saying. Her IQ  registers above genius and she was completing a PhD at age

What is a "bitch cray?" This kook "The down fall of Adventuresicle" sounds like HE'S the crazy one!.

Ms. McKinney also plans to sue various writers who have slandered her by using libelous wording such as "Kidnap, rape, obsession, deranged, insane", etc.  It is Criminal Libel to accuse a person of a crime he or she has never been charged with.  Ms. McKinney was never even charged with rape or ANY sexual offense.  In