Perks of having a galaxy s5...that ultra power saving mode..well...saved my life.
Um, the Met Gala seems like it will be handled with respect. Like please stop.
According to a lot of Black people (like my parents), Robin Givens is crazy and she is the one who drove Mike Tyson crazy. Because, ya know, blame the woman.
These are two completely different poses. I thought that people were upset about it not only because it unnecessarily sexualizes SpiderWoman, but also because looks unrealistic in terms of perspective.
Today really should be a national holiday.
I swear Kanye is only black when it suits him and if he doesn't stop acting as though he and Kim are the world's first IR couple I s2g...
That's what I figured. Kotaku is a cesspool of everything that's wrong in the gaming industry.
Nah, dude, nerdism (?) becoming mainstream is not the cause of the rampant misogyny. Misogynistic nerds are.
Also, please please please do not cross post this on Kotaku. The last time that happened all hell broke loose.
Exactly. It does not affect them (unless it's their daughter/mother/sister *rolls eyes*), so therefore women are making it up or overreacting (cuz women, amirite?).
Articles of this nature make me so thankful that Gawker brought back the grays. The pending comments are going to be ugly.
What bothered me the most was when one of the women said that a black woman would never leave the house in sweats? While that's not true (I've seen plenty out and about in them), the general sentiment is a thing in our community. Black women pretty much always have to be "on" to given a modicum of respect in American…
So true...what grinds my gears is that 99.9% of the criticism is coming for black people who act as though they've never seen kinky hair before.
Or maybe she doesn't like the idea of random people knowing the inner workings of her marriage.
I was taught to pronounce it "bal-meh" with a nasally 'h' if that makes sense. I don't know how right that is though.
Ya know, I haven't experienced many instances of blatant racism in my lifetime, so Rush Week during my freshman year of college has always stuck with me. I, along with a white friend, went to convention-like event in which members of campus sororities essentially pitched why their groups were the best. My friend and I…
No. They were real rape porn gifs with real life people in them. They were brutal and disgusting.
The porn gifs were RAPE/GORE porn gifs. There's pretty thick line between those and this post.
A+ on Gaston's chest hair. He looks like that guy who walks around with 10 inches of curly taco meat on his chest because he thinks that's how "real" men should look.