When did I say that people who leave their dogs outdoors were cruel, abusive, or neglectful? When did I say that leaving your dog indoors automatically equals fanatical?
See my other comments in this thread
Again, I'm not saying that keeping a dog outdoors is best. Mine is indoors all the time unless someone's playing with him or he's using the restroom.
I was just throwing that out there. My dog (well my parents' dog) is an indoor dog and I refer to him as my surrogate son.
I'm wondering if what seems to be an increase in fanatic dog parents has to do with the rise in "indoor" dogs. I don't know anyone who keeps their dogs outside more than 50% of the time. Yet, whenever I see movies or shows from the back back days, dogs were strictly outdoor animals.
don't you mean the "puddareecan preencess"?
These people are creepy losers who care way too much about what other people are doing with their bodies
is she a teen? I thought we were around the same age (21/22)
I think the way she dresses plays into this as well. Im not petite, but I have a very young face and can be easily mistaken for 15 if Im not wearing makeup or am dressed a certain way.
It's really freaky. She's a very pretty woman, but she freaks me out.
I'll fight anyone who thinks that pineapples are gross.
If people are dumb enough to buy a pile of sticks, can you really be mad at Free People?
This is great and all, but it seems like HQ didn't give a shit about what was happeninh on Jez until the trolls started posting on other Gawker sites and other media sites picked up the story
Is this real life?
in retrospect, they really weren't
Ah...thought I was the only one who noticed that. The gifs were posted on a Gawker post this morning and BAM, the situation was (temporarily) dealt with.
Game of Thrones does not feature any awesome female characters. It features watered down, stereotypical versions of the awesome female characters in the ASOIAF book series.