
Right. Property owners also pay the property tax... Renters do not.

If property values being sold went up proportionately, everyone’s a winner, right? Or are they going up with no basis in the market? That’s an easily answered question when the data comes in. Not really worth complaining about until you can prove it.

Pocahontas sounds like a fabulous woman!

It’s called leverage. And he, a private citizen, did get Obama to show a birth certificate. So much like Hillary, he owned Obama.

Taxes don’t show net worth you fucking idiot. Please go read a book.

Warren is an attack dog? She’s a joke of a human being who lied about her heritage to get attention. So progressive.

Pocahontas? The woman who lied about her heritage to get into school?

Socialist bernie sanders, an outcast of his own party, someone who has yet to take down the 1 person he’s competing against, is going to what again now to Donald Trump?

Listen to yourself

Plenty of time left to change that. I think he’s a goon, to be honest. But better than the dumpster fire he’s running against. I am just proud of him for having a pair and actually calling her out for her bullshit.

you know how pathetic you sound? there is absolutely nothing to be learned from his tax returns.

he’s too busy winning states. 7 out of 8.

7 out of the last 8 contests he won. and HE is the desperate one?

I believe they call people who vote based on the (D) next to a name... sheep.

blind voting based on a letter next to a name. brilliant!

ah yes you’d love it to be about gender. I think both of your candidates are garbage but Hillary, wow that’s burning garbage.

The Iraq war has got to be at the top of her “pros” list. What foresight she had!

that was fuckin creepy dude

Irony is all around. And I really don’t like using bleach, it’s so toxic!

lol a scary time? When has there ever been a better time to be a white male? Put me in a time machine, I’ll go to any time and be safe. Including now.