It’s not just entertainment, but any sort of societal contribution. James Watson unraveled DNA, but is a racist prick. Martin Luther was an anti-Semite who believed in drowning kids he perceived as retarded. Lewis Carroll was not only a brilliant author, but also an influential mathematician and likely a pedophile.…
Nor has anyone involved with making that video, writing this “article” or anyone who thinks that video is anything but idiotic...
I can respect a regular takeout slide. Utley was even with the base before he even hit the deck and on top of that, he never touched the bag. This is some BULLSHIT.
You can take the Chase Utley out of Philadelphia, but you can’t take the Philadelphia out of Chase Utley. Seriously, fuck this guy.
How bad must all former football players be if Matt Millen has had jobs as a color commentator, studio analyst, and general manager?
Is it just me, or has the “Uh, sure” closing on Gawker Media articles gained more traction than usual lately?
“Yeah, being targeted by Matt Millen is no picnic.”
....aaaaaannnnndddddd here come more “Leonard Fournette Should Sit Out the 2016 Season” trolls.
I should note additionally that you can eat a dick
I disagree. Give me more bad and less good please, Adequate Man!
I walked up to a girl at the bar last weekend and asked if I could buy her a drink and she said no. So I went home. From the video above, looks like I... NAILED IT.
Rule 1: Don’t wear a fucking hoodie to the club
Every Adequate Man piece written or video is the worst thing this site does. I’d rather read Kotaku and I haven’t played a video game since the Patriots still sucked.
Welp, thats 100 seconds Ill never get back
Ok i gave this a chance...yuck.
You can pick people up at clubs. I’ve done and I’ve seen it done. But it is a place filled with creepy people, so it gets easy to be put in the creepy pile.
What in the fuck was this?
sweet neg, bro
Seriously, why are you guys starting to copy Buzzfeed? I understand blog jobs (nothing sexual, I swear) require you go to get that sweet, sweet SEO, but these are terrible. Just get back to writing witty, entertaining articles with poor copy-editing and grammar mistakes rather than this Buzzfeed/Uproxx garbage.