Jesus they aren’t giving anything, they would be INVESTING. You guys are relentless.
Jesus they aren’t giving anything, they would be INVESTING. You guys are relentless.
Not a fan of public financing, but come on... your headline makes it sound like the players are getting a raw deal. Obviously its an investment decision for them. If they feel like they’d get a sufficient return on it they will agree... if not, they won’t. What’s the controversy here?
Hey shit for brains...…
Well, unfortunately empirical data as to the benefits/losses related to unions is very light on this subject over the past decade or so given the steady decline in unionization and thus the lack of interest in studying it. Furthermore, it is very difficult to firmly establish causal relationships from the data,…
You have already proven your intellect. We good homie.
You’re full of shit. There’s no chance you’re an econ major with an MBA and still believe that. Every staunch liberal I went to B-school with left persuaded that although their beliefs re equality and caring for those who cannot care for themselves remained the same, but that their pre-conceived notion of how…
Anecdotes are more useful than, “you’re stupid asshole”! You’re really showing your intelligence there. Again, its people like you that are ruining this country, and I don’t mean liberals. I mean people so brainwashed by the extreme ideology of the extremes of their party that they refuse to listen to reason and…
You’re clearly a nut. A fanatic. There’s no point wasting time having this back and forth. People like you are the reasons this country is so divided. Join me in the middle pal, the water’s much warmer here.
Thanks pal, that’s some real sound analysis there. Being anti-union doesn’t make me a far right winger by the way. I’m not a religious nut, i’m pro marriage equality, pro choice, etc etc. If you ever took anything above Economics 101 you’d understand the realities here.
Well, that was enlightening. Thank you, comrade.
But please, enlighten me on this statistical reality you’re referring to. I’d love to see this data and your interpretation of how it supports your position.
I thought conservatives were supposed to be the assholes. I guess there’s a crazy one in every lot.
Thank you, comrade.
Well said, sir.
This literally makes no sense. I tried, I tried to see your point, but its impossible to decipher.
Coaches have been preaching the long 2 is the worst shot in basketball since the 3-point line came into being, this is not new.
The main flaw in this argument is that you’re making the “all else equal” assumption. In a vacuum, this may be a more efficient offensive philosophy, but you also need to consider the unintended consequences. Does this negatively impact the team’s defensive abilities? Is the drive and dish as efficient as a well…
Jesus you are thick headed. The two are not mutually exclusive... those two are separate yet related laws. I’m arguing that she obviously intentionally kept her emails private, knowing that anything held on government servers are subject to that law. By doing so she avoids embarrassing or incriminating emails getting…
If that meeting was a government function, then yeah, absolutely he should share the records. It’s pretty dumb to think they went to war for oil... did we steal the oil? Obviously not, we still paid a fair market price that all buyers around the world paid. This argument really baffles my mind. If you’re arguing that…
You seem like an angry person. I think I’m laying fairly reasonable and objective logic.