
Yeah, sounds pretty cowardly. I’ll give you that.

How did he gut it? I’m not asking to be snarky, I honestly don’t know what he did.

Cool story. None of it is actually accurate, but cool story.

Didn’t know that, if true, yeah that’s shitty and cowardly.

Agreed lazy people are everywhere, but they don’t last as long as the do in unions. Agree to disagree on this issue. I don’t know much else that he’s done nor do I particularly care what anyone says about him as I have no horse in the race. But I feel strongly about the harm unions do net net and my skin crawls when I

Honestly not much and I really don’t know much about him, I live in New York.

It definitely is true. Of course it doesn’t apply to EVERY union and EVERY person in a union, but its common for sure.

Nice pivot.

Wisconsin and Walker are not libertarians. Rand Paul is a libertarian... there’s an ocean in between but go ahead and paint with broad strokes if it makes you feel better.

Unions are more destructive than they are beneficial. I say this as someone who’s worked in the public sector and seen what protected union members do... they don’t work.

I don’t get it, why? If Dick Cheney did this you’d have a field day throwing out wild accusations as to what he was hiding. “See? He WAS trying to steal oil!!”

This is why we lost the war.

Yeah... no. That is not the democratic party. There is nothing fiscally conservative about the democratic party. Unions are dead because the people have realized they cause more problems than solve them. I’ve seen first hand how unions create cultures of laziness and protect poor performers. I believe in fair wages

You’re entitled to your opinion but I respectfully disagree with at least the first part of your comment. The comment about Ted Cruz is absolutely fair, he’s a piece of shit and is a great example of what’s wrong with the party.

What “Reform Movement” are you referring to? Here’s a simple test, look at the conditions of the poorest in communist or before that, monarchist or similar economies, and look at the conditions of the poorest in capitalist economies. There’s really no debate to be had.

I think that’s mostly fair. I think its a perfect storm of deep polarization (we could go back and forth on when and why this trend started, but.. meh) and the social media fueled snark revolution (thanks, Deadspin).

Oh god, you’re going to blame capitalism? I was with you until there. Trust me, before capitalism the poor were much poorer. Ask the people of North Korea, how communism is working out (an admittedly extreme example). There’s no question this is mainly a socioeconomic issue, but don’t make it about capitalism... your

To be fair, the religious wing of the conservative party is nuts and 100% against what the party stood for at its inception. They bitch about imaginary threats about shariah law but believe Christian beliefs should be the basis of our laws in this secular country.

Righteous? Did you really use that word? It’s football man... just enjoy your tainted trophies and shut your mouth. No matter what your annoying Boston fans say, the Patriot’s dynasty will always be tainted by this. Just accept it.

You’re right, there’s a huge conspiracy because everyone’s jealous of the Patriots. Of all the dynasties this league has seen, only the Patriots are so great that hundreds of people have made up lies to tarnish their name. Get a clue pal.