Hank Toms

The third season suffered from trying too hard to give everyone an arc. Lillian just needs to be crazy and spout insane shit. I don’t need her getting a job or love life.

The trial episode in particular was shockingly, embarrassingly lazy, obvious, inept comedy that made me wonder if Tiny Fey was so wrapped up in acting in it, she decided to have it ghost-written by the Family Guy writer’s room.

Agree. I wanted to like it much more than I did, I was rooting for it, it had some great moments and characters. But smiling upon it, my cheeks doth ached, and ..it was just all right. Sometimes very good, often wildly uneven. And, just me, the whole belabored thing where Jenna Jane Krakowski’s character was

I have to agree. Season 3 was just a slog. I loved Season 1 though.

I’m ready to call it: this show was a one season wonder and each of the subsequent seasons has been worse than the last

Yeah its pretty weird that the filmmakers went that route. Its almost like Sheila had final cut approval or something.



Yes! I thought it was just me, but I was genuinely shocked when the credits started rolling.

Didn’t she just co-star in a movie with Amy Schumer last year? The Snatch or some such?

The trailer looked bad and his accent is really distracting.

After she told that story to Jessica, Jessica literally punched her in the face and across a room. What more were you wanting?

How come it’s CAR-negie Hall, but it’s named after Andrew Car-NAY-ge, anyway?

Christ, let’s not even get into the pronunciation of Carnegie.

I absolutely do say “sym-bee-otic,” and so will you if you want to live under this roof.

Can’t wait for the sequel with Car-NAYGE.

That sure is some line delivery. Kinda looks more like a movie of the Prototype game.

The series could have both been edited down quite a bit (that Swami sure does go on...), and filled with more detail, like:

Just finished the series. I agree that the directors gave waaay too much time to the Rajneeshee disciples. At first, the Rajneeshee interviews seem fascinating, but by the end, I couldn’t stand Niren’s yammering about how exclusive he was with Osho and how, boohoo, it was only after joining a cult that he finally got

I would never join any ashram that would have me as a member.