Hank Toms

Penn Station was the nearest subway stop for me and every SPD on my way to work I’d watch the teens stream out of the train station beginning at 9 am. The Blarney Stone on 8th and 31st was like ground zero.

The power to always come up with a witty retort in real time. (The ability to dodge punches would be good to accompany this.)

All my life, I’ve dreamed of being able to shoot arrows real good, because there are any number of modern crime-fighting situations where only the Bronze Age technology of archery is appropriate.

The answer is always telekinesis. With telekinesis of sufficient strength, you have 1) flying, 2) super strength, 3) lockingpicking, 4) body control (of a sort since you can telekineticially stop someone from moving), etc.

I grew up in Chicago and now live in Boston. I’ve seen enough St. Patrick’s day stupidity to last 30 lifetimes.

I also think it’s one of the best depictions of high school ever.

And yes, that CGI scene made me laugh as loud as anything I’ve seen in quite a while.

St. Patrick’s Day in even an small city is a fucking nightmare, I cannot imagine how much PTSD you suffer from after enduring a Chicago St. Patrick’s Day.

Everyone I know who watched it knew it was a parody going in and still loved it. I, for one, thought it made a great full series.

Those were the days that they aired Missing in Action

He seems like a decent guy who’s trying to get out of some really bad habits and do some cool stuff again. Hopefully he’s as successful as RDJ seems to have been.

I thought the Renegade was Mama Leoni.

It’s possible, but I’m very much willing to give Rob Thomas and co thebenefit of the doubt.

Hey, this is America! A woman can grow up to be whatever she wants, including her brother’s brother!

I agree that their familial relationship should be mentioned, but I STRONGLY DISAGREE that she is the brother of Erik Prince, because she’s not. I’m reasonably certain she’s not anybody’s brother.

This message can go for all Netflix-Marvel shows.

To be fair, three of the four villains were outstanding.

Message to the Luke Cage writers: Use your episodes wisely. Don’t write filler episodes; that means your season is too long. Plan every single step of the character for the whole season before you write a single word. There was a lot of wasted time in the first season. Don’t do that again.

I felt the first third was needed to establish the style and world. It’s really just the final villain that sucked, to me. So I can easily see season 2 being legitimately great.

First half was good. My biggest gripe (SPOILERS) is that the writers wanted

I feel like everyone would be better off if the Netflix solo MCU series were all 10 episodes instead of 13. And if they had someone around who could say “this plotline is stupid, please don’t do that” as needed.