Always struck me as a dude’s dude who is never not five bad seconds away from tearing your face off.
Always struck me as a dude’s dude who is never not five bad seconds away from tearing your face off.
Occam’s razor; this is a fictional franchise and largely written ad hoc. All questions can be answered as things happened because writers wrote them. The next series is rumored to be related to The Resistance, maybe this rug will tie the room together between the OT and the ST?
She’s realizing the extent to which the new tariffs on steel and aluminum will impact interest rates, and force manufacturers to revise their earnings estimates for the fiscal year.
I hate how charming she’s trying to be when it’s clear she’s a fucking ghoul.
It blows my mind that she transitioned from a FUCKING WHITE HOUSE POSITION to a reality show to a talk show interview with literally no gaps in between. What a fucking joke this country has become.
I’ve always thought comedy was at its best when deconstructed in essay form.
No Steven Snell? But Murphy had a good feeling about him.
Dan Quayle is hoping for his comeback moment with this.
I mean, Murphy Brown was great, but... please stop.
Who was asking for this?
You: Yeah! Roku removed the NRATV app from the streaming channels store!
oh, I noticed....
It turned into Event Horizon so gradually, I didn’t even notice.
Excellent mini-review of “Sunshine.” 2/3 of a great movie in the Arthur Clarke vein, 1/3 garbage thriller.
They’re all bigots of some sort. They voted for a ticket that featured a man who had settled multiple cases where he refused to rent to people due to their race, who claimed that most Mexican immigrants (he lumped all Latinx immigrants in as Mexicans) are “bad hombres,” wanted to institute a religious test for…
I liked the update of Dickens starring Marcel Marceau. It starts with the line: “It was the best of mimes; it was the worst of mimes.”
I don’t know, I never felt his magic tricks were all that good, they certainly do not warrant a movie about him.
A common misquote it’s actually “When they go low, we get high”.
As someone who voted for Hillary with not a shred of doubt or concern (she’s the clear lesser of two evils) that tag line and every other bullshit phrase and platitude she uttered were cringe to the max. It’s like watching an AI try to learn human speech.
The Universal Remote Cinematic Universe!
Coming this summer: “That green button no one’s sure what does!”