drawbacks to iZombie season 3: the horrible Ravi-Peyton drama
drawbacks to iZombie season 3: the horrible Ravi-Peyton drama
I bet they have a fuckin’ SICK treehouse, bro!
I am strongly offended by the author’s use of the gender-neutral term “chairperson”. In the case of Ajit Pai, the correct term should be “chairfucker”.
Yeah, just because they spent a lot of time and a lot of money for the ability to do it, what possible motivation would they have to do it? And besides, they said they WOULDN’T, and I’m sure they wouldn’t like being called liars.
Where are we supposed to go?? Outside?
Isn’t it just New York, Chicago, San Francisco, fictional European city, Johannesburg, rinse and repeat?
My main question is whether this means Disney is now free to release the original cuts of the original Star Wars trilogy.
Why would anyone bash porgs?
Do they hate fun?
Finally, the new Star Wars films can start with the classic 20th Century Fox fanfare.
Soon it will just be rural towns with populations of 30 and there will be more superheroes than people there defending the grain silo and town square from monstrous alien invaders.
As fun as it might be to have the entire Marvel universe back under one roof, this is a terrible idea and I’m hoping beyond hope that the DOJ or FTC or someone puts the kibosh on the deal. Disney already controls too much of our pop culture output; there’s no good reason for them to control more of it.
In the future, every movie will be part of a massive comic book franchise universe, and if you want to see one movie, you’ll have to see them all to understand just what the hell is going on.
I held out for ages because frankly I’m all super-heroed out.
The CW is not putting the rest of the cast in a particularly good position here.
That’s because the jokes aren’t inspired by the need to communicate and connect, like those of actual good comedians. They’re inspired by the need to troll their imagined enemies.
“We found no evidence of wrongdoing on the set of the show.”
It’s always interesting to watch conservatives attempt humor. The references are almost always hilariously out of date, the attempts at self-deprecation are usually painfully forced, and it comes across like they decided to improv the first take and then felt it was comedy gold that couldn’t be topped. It’s like…
Because all the coffee beans aren’t from America, if they remind people of that by picking a side, then they can never have their coffee.
thats that good CBS Primetime writing