Missing Dubya now seems to me to be like missing scarlet fever after finding out you have brain cancer.
Missing Dubya now seems to me to be like missing scarlet fever after finding out you have brain cancer.
I’m a proud member of the 20% of people who thought Bush II was an idiot in late 2001.
I was going to buy tickets for it opening night but then I got distracted and the timer ran out and it sold out.
Quit your bellyaching. I have to wait until I see my brothers on my birthday. JANUARY FUCKING 13th how’s that grab ya? Yikes. I may have to lie and pretend I haven’t seen it yet.
Midichlorians aren’t heroin. They’re just a “bad idea”
Holy Shit, a Dowd B+. If I wasn’t hyped before...
Alright, so it must be really, really good, an A.A. Dowd B+ is like a A+ in an AP class....
It loses points for painfully obvious green-screen wire fu (not one, but TWO utterly silly-looking Obi-wan flying kicks!), but the lightsaber v. blaster dynamic helps and it does manage some dramatic weight despite the poorly-dated FX.
They’re against government regulations and think the free market will regulate itself and we’ll all be better off in the long run because mega-corporations will have more money and use that money for innovation and job-creation, not to line their shareholders’ pockets.
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Yes this. What we all wanted out of Star Wars prequels was to see fully trained Jedi in their prime fighting. And of course George pretty much ruined it by surrounding it with nonsense.
All your base are belong to us.
“Let’s create one of the most bad ass villains ever and then give him no screen time.” - George Lucas
He is the Martin Shkreli of telecommunications.
The choreography for this duel was top notch, but for me it lacked any emotional weight to it (as compared to the duel in Ep. V or VI) because I just didn’t feel any connection to the characters involved. The protagonists were all pretty bland due to the poor script, and the villain involved was barely in the movie.
it is like Netflix has never met a child
Ironically, the very things holding his pants up are also what’s dragging them down.
I had no idea Wiseau had so much difficulty keeping his pants up.
Absolutely. The dropoff from Celebration Rock is huge. This album sounds like they’re trying to sell songs for commercials. It’s lifeless.