I'll take my flight in a Lotus 49, please.
I'll take my flight in a Lotus 49, please.
Good answer.
I've always loved you.
'Murica hater!
I was on board until the critical, mandatory repair that would require pulling the engine came up. Well, that and the fact that $24k would pretty near put me in an Elise. A regretful CP for me.
In honor of Memorial Day weekend, I nominate Kevin Cogan's brutal yard sale at Indy in 1989.
'78 XC Cobra? No, it's not good that your tastes got more refined than that, because the Cobra is FANTASTIC.
...fair trade.
That's exactly what I picture the Most Interesting Man in the World driving. It says, "Out of my way, poor person!" to VEYRON drivers.
Maserati GranTurismo.
Also, because if you own one of these you will, at some point, get to say to your wife, "Darling, let's take the Interceptor out to dinner tonight."
We run into this mentality in the shooting sports world, too. What we've got to realize (and I say this as a fellow AutoXer and drifting non-fan) is that autocrossers, drag racers, drifters, lowrider enthusiasts, road racers, dirt trackers, musclecar nuts, import geeks, collectors, vintage racers, chalk-mark…
I'm the last person to say "there oughtta be a law," but I'd fully support regulations that require realtors to disclose to potential buyers that they are buying a house within a certain radius of a noisy facility (factories, race tracks, firing ranges, and airports spring to mind,) and require buyers to sign a form…
Well, yeah, but that's just, like, your opinion, man.
My definition of a "different design" is if a casual car enthusiast can tell at a glance that they're not the same thing. I don't require a clean-sheet redesign to declare a car "different" from its predecessor or successor. Your mileage may vary.
It's a fallacy to suggest that the two extremes are the only options, or that either is a good idea in any way. I'm just suggesting that we've reached a point of diminishing returns with regard to safety, and that chasing technological solutions to a problem that lies in the fact that we let incompetent people drive…
Alternatively, I'll suggest the '70 Mustang. All the aggression and style of the '69, but with an additional dash of refinement (but not too much.)
Also you could buy like 50 V6 Mustangs.
We're not supposed to judge books by their covers. But frequently you'll find that the cover of a book contains important and pertinent information about what's inside.
My best guess.