
My thing was every time we came back to the little girl on the phone that she found on the floor of the cabin, I was expecting her to say, "Oh no, the battery is dying!" It seemed so obvious within two minutes that this was an illusion, the fact that it was driving the trio to kill people was ludicrous.

I agree. I was really taken aback at first, then thought this was their way of showing us just how badass Mary was as an international assassin. My other question, of course, was how is she paying for all of this globe hopping in what seemed to amount to about 3 days worth of travel. All too implausible and

And how long did it take us to figure out there's something valuable in the bust. I don't think Sherlock got that far until he saw it lying in the rubble. Geez.

My thought was that's very suspicious looking and please don't make Mycroft some kind of double agent, double crossing his own brother. Did I read too much into a post it note hiding under the chinese take out menu?

My first thought when she ran off, and then, surprise, John shows up across the country - who's watching the baby? Mum is in mortal danger, so you leave the infant with the babysitter?
It all went down too formulaic. As it was unfolding, and I had not read any spoilers, it occurred to me that they will have to kill

I figured several episodes in that she had the need to get back in the water like the bus crash. I am thinking that might be the only true thing in the story.

This has been one of the biggest problems of this season, Fiona. There has been no basis for her behavior and her belief that somehow she is above everyone else. Yes, she used the family house that was paid for by Carl's generosity, without consent or even consultation. She is taking all of the credit and profit

It wasn't the serious tear jerker previous episodes have been this season, but it kept me riveted to the screen, totally drawn in by the intensity of the performances. I'm not sure how I feel about Daniel's fantasy as the final shot. I guess we have to let this closure sink in for awhile. Thank you, Erik, for

I got it when I first heard, and thought it was incredibly mean of Ted to do that. But it also seemed to be awkwardly synced as if it was dubbed as an afterthought. There was definitely something glaring about it. And it seemed appropriate to me because when Daniel first was home there was a weirdness when Janet

Thank you for bringing this up. It really irked me that the reviewer made this glaring error. The Holden/Talbot family is a yours, mine and ours group. Jarrod is the child of Ted and Janet, so half sibling to both Teddy and Daniel and Amantha.

Revenge on her part. Lip was a serious dick to her in that relationship and she gave him a lot of support and freedom. Her dad even tried to mentor Lip. But Lip could not handle a real person who was his equal pretty much.

Not to mention I believe she had actually married Mickey to get her green card first, despite said Russian husband whose whereabouts we still do not know. I do not believe being incarcerated automatically severs your parental rights, and Mickey is the father of the baby she was having Kev and Vee adopt. I was kind

I guess I should have done my homework and known you were a professor Myles. I type this as I side glance stare at my own pile of papers to grade. I caught the same thing with the phones and Ian. Getting sloppy or deliberate? I agree with the whole Helene angle also. If Sierra hadn't rejected him for being an

I think Jess is way too good for Rory. I wanted more of him also, but he is super busy with his new show I guess. His character matured and became a responsible adult after starting out with a lot less going for him than Rory had. There has always been a class snobbery with Lorelei no matter how independent she

I'm a little late to commenting on Spring, but I've seen all 4. I read most of the comments but there is one thing that even Myles did not mention, and I am not seeing here either. The interview Rory had was with GQ to do the story on the Lines in NYC. She walked into that interview with no ideas to pitch. They

It was weird and cruel to keep it going so long. But I finally came to think it was Rory's way of giving herself a more level playing field with Logan, i.e., he has a fiance and she has a bf? We do get the impression that they have been doing that for a while. I also thought she was having him pay for her flights

I agree. I actually thought he would verbalize that fear that he would "remember" that he did kill her. That is the fear that has him chained. I think I will feel terribly sad for Daniel if he is not allowed to be set free of this horrible unknowing before we have to say goodbye to Paulie and Nashville. There are

I said it earlier, too. She's playing a giant con game. When she first showed up she threw out the line I have come back to take care of all of you, or something indicating she had landed a big sum of money. I'm thinking insurance scam of some sort which was Frank's old go to scam.

I think in the very beginning Lip was saving his ass until he cleaned up his act; so now he is trying to pay it back for Lip. Also, he is the reason Lip was even there in the first place. Remember the SAT scandal?

Me too on Chloe Webb. She also did a great mini series on early San Francisco scene in the 60's, 70's. I think was on PBS a while back. I love her. Sad to see her not looking so well, and the proposed killing her off. Of course, it's Monica, so it could all be a major scam to get Frank back in her clutches.