
I'm not sure I actually blame Myles. I think we were all onto that already. But, geez, it did get really annoying after a while, since the whole coffee theme is such a thing on that show. I wanted one person to be like me and spill at least one damn cup of that coffee. Now we see empty cups everywhere. And no

Myles, I follow your logic; and I get the full circle concept. I guess I am still not over Rory being such a pushover with Logan in the first place. I get the attempt to make it look like she's taking control of her life by leaving Logan behind, but how long was this going on? And how did it even get started? I

Myles, thanks for the great episode reviews. I pretty much agree with everything you said. And I got the General Hospital crew. Of course, the full circle theme sometimes screamed in your face too much, literally and figuratively. Rory, being 32 which is Lorelei's age when the show started pretty much seals the

Interesting point, but all we ever actually see them consume in terms of "entertainment" is old schlock films and now Lorelei's Lifetime Movie cue on her DVR. Where do they get their pop references from, since it has been confirmed by this season that they live in their own bubbles.

I guess we are supposed to just accept this also. Rory and Logan was the biggest disappointment. She's essentially his mistress. He flies her in, when the fiance is in the apartment offers her the most expensive hotels to stay in, and takes her out for obscenely expensive meals. When did any semblance of

I felt that was a major ommision also. The strength of Emily's anger and Lorelei's denial seemed to be heading to some sort of resolution. Instead it's dropped as if it never happened.

That was my thought also. I was pretty sure there was a spouse in earlier seasons, but I was not about to search for the evidence.

Oh. I didn't think of that he wants to confront him, but that makes sense. I was thinking he was going to guilt him for making his mother feel so bad. He's the one character I have never liked. I do not seem any redeeming quality. He's a snake.

Fiona would be stupid enough to try to apologize her way out of it because she was trying to take her (Margo's) advice, and then wind up screwing her own damn self. She is definitely on a downward spiral. I would call her the other one with bipolar. A review her past history does lean in that direction,

Not only did they totally abandon her, they immediately shipped Derek off to Florida. The fact that they had no contact for how many months this is supposed to be and now kidnap her is just a giant mess that will probably left until the end of the season.

that one is not her son.

It'a a charter school, so it can pretty much make it's own rules. Having the little brown child makes them all feel good about themselves. The tuition is arbitrary. What's one more little mouth to feed lunch and organic snacks.

He's too stupidly infatuated with her still to go that route, although that would be a good place for him to start to get some control of his life.

She wasn't in her own neighborhood. They just came and took the baby to their house. Although, my thought was I can't believe she left the baby with a baby sitter with traumatic brain injury.

I guess he just scorched the lawn.

She's been a lost soul all along. She thought the baby would get her a real family and it backfired but she is too stubborn to back down from her decision. Now she is an angst ridden teen with a baby to take care of all by herself, and a guardian who has seriously fallen down on the job. I'm still not sure why this

Yes, I thought the same thing when Lip went into the laundromat. That was his intention, but quickly changed course when he was confronted by the error of Fiona's rash decision. I also was not prepared that they were not going to give him his happy ending of returning to school. On the other hand, my immediate

Thanks for expressing the deep emotion this show represents. After this episode, I consciously realized, I have literally teared up in every episode of this season, and quite a few in the past seasons. No other television program has been this intense of an experience of connecting with characters. At least we can

Crawford has been amazing, continues to grow each episode. Another one of those jarring moments; I caught the new Lethal Weapon and he is fantastic in that also with a hint of Teddy's pain in that character. It's almost like watching what happened next after Teddy left Paulie.

I do hold that the knowledge that he did not kill Hannah will allow Daniel to finally have some peace and be able to move on; but at the same time, I am not betting on getting that kind of closure for all of us who have watched this incredible journey.