
Me too! I was actually wondering if that was a ratty wig they put on her head. It was distracting. Now it's weirdly even more distracting since she's so pristine in Timeless no matter where they are.

Midway through the season and the level that we are supposed to suspend any semblance of reality is getting to be too much. I know it's a TV show, but the moronic behavior on the part of every single character is ridiculous. I just hope that Lip's stupidity does not ruin the life of his "friend" from college. I

I see the flashbacks as Fake Eleanor's "awakening" to the really bad choices she made on earth. She is becoming enlightened and this is a good thing for her. Shows that everyone has the capacity to change. Although I am not sure this show is really meant to be so deeply philosophical; except as fodder for hilarious

Yes, This was the "it's only a matter of time before Fiona's game plan comes back to bite her" moment. And this will be a big one. It's Deb and the baby, and Carl, and Liam she fought in court to get legal custody/guardianship. In the eyes of the law she has abandoned her responsibility, and that she is that

You have to have sundance as part of your cable provider package or you can't watch. I tried. If you had Sundance, you wouldn't need to stream it!

I definitely have to do a close rewatching of this episode. Many of the comments already made rang true for me. Ian cannot be that naive given his background as a dancer in the club and his relationship with JimmyJack Steve's father alone. I am so worried that something big will happen to remind Fiona in a tragic

The only slim justification I could come up with for her making such a tremendous lapse in judgment was her particularly vulnerable state at the time. She told Stone she just went through a big break up and he was all get over it, it doesn't matter. But maybe it did to her, so she was weak. Maybe? Stretching the

I thought I missed some important scene where Stone catches up with Dwayne Reed but I guess that never did happen. Seems like a giant omission, but I'll revisit to see if the dream scenario is the answer. Also wondering if Stone's visits to the various doctors for his eczema treatments is a device to show the

Good call, although some of what dirty white boy avatar says is true. Biggest offense from reviewer for me was missing that the rap/poem he recited to his teacher was about his mother being shot instead of his father. That was a giant plot point that was totally overlooked. Sorry DC but that was very amateur on

Source material quibbling aside, this adaptation was a delightful, wacky, entertaining summer fun program. I enjoyed all 10 episodes, despite the small flaws. There was not much else to enjoy, with Peaky Blinders over, and not much else rising to the occasion. I finally watched all six seasons of Justified, which

This is what I thought as well. As the reviewer forgot, but another commenter posted, Rachel manipulated this situation by reporting this very expensive car as "stolen," forcing the cops to respond. Cute touch having one white female officer. I am a white woman who has a really hard time with other white women

Mindy is clearly interested in Jody or she wouldn't have been so hurt over his health issue preventing the date, which she pushed pretty hard, to come to its natural conclusion in her apartment. She has been intrigued by his southern overtures of romance. After that elevator scene, I can not fathom how anyone can

Sorry if this has been addressed, but two things bother me that I may just have missed. First, the abbies evolved sometime over the 2000+ years that everyone has been asleep and the world came to a devasting end, but Pilcher planned for them or knew they existed which is why the wall? So how long had they been

I am pretty sure we were led to make the connection to Garner which in my mind was a cheap theatric shot. This season has had too many of those "look how relevant we are to real life" moments that in my opinion amounted to a giant jumping of the shark. Not taking away from the amazing acting by most of the cast

Sorry to hear no more coverage. Your recaps have been great. It's pretty soon to give up on a show. This one is just weird and quirky enough to be enjoyable, and it's on regular broadcast TV! The blood and gore is minimal (cartoonish head explosions) but the acting and writing are quite good. Very different from

Given the little back story we had already received on Suzanne, I was surprised at this evolution of her character as a young adult working as the greeter person. I also was devastated by the reveal of her crime, if that is what it was, but immediately thought that her mental capacity should have been taken into

That confused me too. Reading here made me think she probably has been Litchfield in for three years total by now, and the leader naively thinks she hasn't been using inside. Maybe.

It was amazing, probably the best scene of the episode. I do agree with the review, this one went a bit over the top beyond dark humor. Darius may be seriously hurt jeopardizing his career! But, as much as I enjoyed that scene, I wanted to shout at my TV to Rachel what are you thinking! Have you not learned your

Although Logan did say it was a planned three season arc, there were several loose threads, and the sense that the last two episodes crammed a lot more than the usual pace of the show. Maybe it's just putting on a good "showtime" face because it wasn't renewed. Steven Soderbergh did a similar thing with the

But Sir Malcolm was almost drooling over her when they met. It seemed a bit much to me given the circumstances actually.