
I got that disconnect also. For an overall great program, there were definitely some sloppy transitions every now and then. We knew the travel for Ethan and Co. by boat would take some time since they were in the US West, train to NY, etc. so I bought the passage of time, but then in the Lab it seemed time had

Going into last nights two episode epic finale I had a feeling that this was going to be it. I was shocked that Vanessa actually caved in to Dr. Sweet's (Dracula's) manipulations at the end of episode 7 and wondered how are they going to get past this? Starting last night I already had the feeling they were coming

Thanks. I definitely have to rewatch to take in all of the quick exchanges that usually have big payoffs later on. Can't believe we have been left hanging so perilously this season.

But keeping with the where exactly does Delphine stand in all of this intrigue, I got the impression she did know him. She's been involved with the top echelon all along?

Does anyone else think that the old man who keeps cropping up and saved Cosima and Charlotte is Dr. Westmoreland. That was where my mind went as soon as we found out he was the one calling the shots. Have to watch back episodes because he also for some reason reminded me of Daddy Duncan.

Although it was probably inevitable given his increasing instability, I still felt sorry when Kevin totally lost it on Marco. Question: Did anyone else get the feeling that John had more to do with the sister's death than Danny? I kept thinking they would delve more into that incident which is obviously the driving

I thought the eye glitches was definitely a deliberate communication of some sort. Delphine us not a techie in that sense. Bur the mysterious hand - how about the return of Cal?

I rewatched the episode and really paid attention to that. It seemed Art missed the front of his face, maybe deliberately so there was no evidence of the beat down. So I bought it a little better when he showed up being no visibly worse for the wear.
As for Felix telling Cossima about Delphine. He had been a very

Isn't Hecate the one who was defying her mother and trying to usurp her position with Lucifer?

The plot hole that was bothering me in this episode is if Ethan is so scarred and conflicted, how did he get into the wild west show where he was "discovered" and recruited by Malcolm and Vanessa. He seemed like a pretty content pretend cowboy back then. Maybe a little dark and broody but nothing to indicate where

Helena will somehow get wind that Donnie got arrested for what she did, and she will come back, hugely pregnant, to save him and the seestras. Those babies are going to play a big part in the end of the season, probably as the cliffhanger for season 5.

Sorry you thought that. No I wasn't thinking that at all. It just seemed very coincidental that the mysterious woman Beth killed have had a very specific motive. Chen's role was high up but then never fleshed out.

I was on the edge of my seat the entire episode. It was just beautifully rivoting. But, I was also in fear that somehow Vanessa was responsible fore John CLare's death which sent him to Frankenstein and when either he or Vanessa remembered, it would be a disaster for one or both of them. I am still not convinced

I did. I was hoping that meant he got canned a few minutes before the finale. I do not see what he brings to the show that is not just cringeworthy.

Thinking back, anyone could have shot Delphine including Shay, Scott, Ferdinand, a Castor, the list could contain any of the non seestras. She knew the shooter and she was hit in what was not necessarily a life threatening shot. So DYAD could have her on ice.

Has anyone else thought that Maggie Chen and Evie Cho are ridiculously similar names and look-a-likes, as in mother and daughter. I keep expecting that shoe to drop at some point.

Someone help me out here. I have been trying to do back research in reviews to find out how and when Krystal got out of Dyad. I was so happy to see her in this episode, but totally confused how she was allowed to just walk out after playing the bed double for Rachel.

Way back in the beginning I think he was in love with Cosima until he realized her leanings. But I had not heard that theory about him being the shooter. That would have to have him in very deep with Dyad.

Thank you. Danny was always a jerk. I must be in the minority that never wanted to see that relationship move forward, although I am cool that she is a single mother now. Mindy needs to be independent and he is just too old school and dismissive of all that makes Dr. Lahiri the successful, fun woman she is and he

Okay. First, these comments are hysterical. They are also intelligent and thoughtful. As several commenters pointed out, AV Club readers are above average. So fascinating discussion. As for the actual article, poor Amy Schumer got blindsided by being categorized with women who are larger than the average woman.