
Although she did seem to react more to the reality that Will was number 1 in Sean's life, not her. She almost seemed like she would overlook the addiction if he truly loved her.

Yeah, falls a little flat with the I save lives career, and Ian's my bi-polar will not prevent me from saving lives. But let's all get together and throw a drunk in a freezing river.

Thanks for mentioning Debbie's baby well care visit, which was just glossed over. Feces rash and bruise from falling, doc asks "how old are you?" and then sends her on her way. A bit unrealistic. I was also wondering if child protective services would be revising the Gallagher residence yet again, maybe showing up

First, thanks for your well-written and interesting reviews Myles. I've read through some comments and will go through more later. I just have to say that that coda of everyone throwing Frank in the river was just the lowest form of "comedy" I could imagine. Frank is the only one who is consistent in this show and

Yes, Lip always drank quite a bit, but at the same time, we were led to believe he had priorities once he started college, and his main goal was to not turn into Frank. The you're 22 years old was kind of a shock to me. My take was he didn't start college until he was 19 having lost a year when he was temporarily

maybe they were saving the follow up on Jude in the second season. Again, oh well.

I got the idea that he was murdered by the other priests because he was goin to reveal that there was no messiah. Athough, I was also hoping that it was a hoax and he would come back. I really wanted a happy ending for them at least, and his opportunity to father another child. I suspected we had not seen the last

I thought of that too as I was watching, and decided it was the British connection where interracial coupling is not a thing like it is here. People are more or less just people outside of the US.

DIdn't catch anywhere that Ariel knew he was related to Spike, although he seems to know a lot due to his constant hacking. This was one of those "happy" coincidences.

His sons are identical, not the same. Fraternals can run in families, but identicals area fluke.

This is what I was looking forward to, the family dynamic. I believe Jude was the old lady's son, and Jamie and Ariel are his sons, and giraffe girl is his granddaughter. Now Celine's baby is his daughter, and thus Jamie and Ariel's half sibling. However, the subtle reveal that old lady is also twins Rhonda and

But Frank turned the drugs guys on to the hash at the commune. I thought that feud was history.

My other point on Frank coming up with the money for her, as if everyone would think anything but he was getting it doing anything illegal, is why Fiona is so stupidly agreeing to pay these ridiculous sums of money for flowers and the restaurant, just because some salesperson is selling it to her. What happened to

Very true about the education part. Not to mention that when Debbie hatched this scheme to trick her boyfriend into getting her pregnant, she was hanging out at school with at least 3 other girls who had babies. What's up with that.

I immediately wondered when he checked the box on Ian's application if there wasn't some kind of sabotage about to take place. He absolutely should know there would be a background check. I still say there is something weird about that Caleb.

he may have done the GED off screen. Didn't he mention that a few episodes back?

A few times Debbie has stated "I'm 15." And it was referenced that Carl is 14. FIona Lip and Ian have to be in the 23, 20., 18 range. We know Lip is only in his second year of college, so depending on when his birthday falls, he is only 20 or maybe recently 21. No party for him since he'd been drinking half his

Yes, so she cannot be called Mrs. whatever his name is, and be a grieving widow. Have to admit, I saw him absolutely using again, but the OD is a so much more dramatic way to have him exit this season. At least no one will have to clean out his apartment once he's gone.

He was still a minor for all of those instances I believe, so that may have softened the consequences. He has accomplished a lot of illegal activities at a very young age, and it seems the writers would prefer we all just forget.

I am finding the time lapse this season to be particularly bad. Did Debbie and Carl have birthdays and no one celebrated. Last I heard she was 15 and Carl was 14. One minute Deb is pregnant and Fiona is getting an abortion, but then Deb is almost 7 months along. Then she's in labor! I was afraid it was going to