
There have been several instances where Frank displays some talent that he has wasted, playing the piano recently was one also. Usually we see Lip react to these revelations with a look that seems to indicate he is asking himself, what happened to this guy, and knowing how close he, Lip, is to going down the same bad

My reaction was this was creepy and very selfish on his part. Then when he confessed he had used again, having found someone's stuff, I was really turned off by him. He is going to turn out to be a real super negative force for Fiona. My first thought by Fiona's face was omg he's going to give me Hep C, but she

Remember she had that conversation with the cousin, or whoever she was, which gave her the idea of being accepted into what seemed to her to be a wonderful, loving family. She plotted the whole thing with Derek because she extremely naively thought it would be her ticket out of the Gallagher household.

That kid that bought the gun from him screamed school shooter, which I cannot see any humor in whatsoever. Carl has returned from his stint even more convinced that he is a gangsta than before. This will not bode well at all and the foreshadowing was like a neon sign.

We can convince ourselves that Bertie's adrenalin kind of worked, but Thack's in a coma somewhere. Future medical experimentation will bring him back to perform drug-induced surgical miracles another day. As for the rest of the cast, only Algie seemed to actually be at peace with his new found position.

It wasn't just a supermarket, it was a Costco-type warehouse store.

I thought for a second she would jump out of the car, but ultimately, she figured out that Lou was right all along, and he did save her. Now she can fantasize about being in jail in northern CA and see pelicans out of her window.

He would if he is actually the one who had directed the shortcut of letting the sick patients out rather than paying for their return. Cornelia knew too much, and Dad maybe knew too little which would have put the spotlight on Henry. The Nicaraguan scene was to show Thack's connection to Robertson and the Knick, but

Well put. I haven't read all comments, but so far no one has even mentioned the addition of Leo in the relationship. Adding a child in the mix changes many relationships. And despite the fact that these are grown up, professional people, their relationship was already showing signs of stress when Mindy found out she

have we heard what season 3 is about already?

We already know that Lou sustained an injury from that event that left him with a kind of limp. I just want him to get home to see Betsy. I don't think I could stand if she passes while he's out hunting down Hanzee, and if Hank doesn't make it back, that's way too tragic. Gives Molly a whole new dimension as well,

I agree. I was satisfied but not as wowed as I hoped to be. Unfortunately, I was thrown off right at the beginning when we see the girls drive right up to the water, and there's Kevin already with the cinderblock tied to his ankle. I had a split second, of no don't do that, then they did it. The timing would be so

I agree on the Fargo, The Leftovers and The Knick being the most intensely satisfying shows of the season, and they are all about to be gone. I don't know what will replace them, except Shameless and The X-Files come back soon. I thought it was obvious and already discussed that Eleanor poisoned the good doctor in

But he identified himself as the Laverne Butcher, making himself seem actually menacing. I fear that will be his doom.

I was waiting for the request for more surgery for Abigail and her nose. Now with the celluloid reference and Thack so into her, perhaps somehow connecting her with the dead little girl, I am afraid something will go totally awry and that will send Thack and his graphs over the deep end.

Edwards will not just accept he made a "mistake." He will investigate. He will find Gallinger responsible and there will be a giant blow out with all of Gallinger's evil doings and beliefs spilling out for all to see. I am hoping he is severely shamed and even his wife won't be able to stand him anymore.

I Lost. I enjoyed it until the last season. I really do not get the bit Lost Vibes watching The Leftovers This episode definitely went a little overboard. I am just glad we addressed Kevin's predicament and didn't skip over it to deal with something else as has happened earlier in the seasons. I do prefer when

I got through it. I really wanted to like it. The cinamatography, set design was gorgeous, although the mixture of pre and post war music and sets was sometimes disconcerting. I know we are all watching shows that ask questions with no answers, (Leftovers tonight), but I found myself confused by the mixed

There's only one necklace. Tagomi caught that Juliana had a strong reaction to the necklace when she saw it on the floor, I am not certain without rewatching, but I am pretty sure that he knows the connection between her and Frank and the necklace, thus offering her the job to keep an eye on her.

The sister is the wild card here. She is very hard to read, but I have gotten the impression there is no love lost between her and her crazy sister. Eleanor had everything, the handsome doctor husband, the replacement baby, and still she went crazy. I am waiting for sister to reveal her true motives. In that