
She's certainly a quick study! Working with the ladies of the night has taught her many handy tricks.

Also, they do not want to pay the steerage for the sick poor to go back to their own country and whatever other expenses are involved. That is why Spaight was killed. He caught them letting off the sick patients. So there are the sick poor people, and now we learn there are sick "regular" people infecting the city.

Okay. I'll go with it. He has a slightly Asian look, and we don't have (or I missed) any references to his mother. Could Bear have had a lady in Nam and fathered a son? Or is that too out there?

I agree. Hanzee is good at what he does and he quite consciously plays into the "magical Indian" thing because he knows the foolish white people are seeing him that way. I get the sense that he is confident enough to be above it, but uses it when it suits him.

They never said what he actually did, but I got the idea that he keeps his "office" in multiple locations, Sonny's being one of them, thus their friendship. And Karl Weathers is priceless! His performance, among many, was just spectacular. Those lines you had to go back and just listen to to fully appreciate the

Hank left without checking on Peggy because first she's nuts, and second he told her to hide and not come out which she did not follow; and mostly because the radio said that Lou was in trouble and Peggy was not going to trump the husband of his dying daughter. Throw in he had a serious head wound and I think Hank

Contrary to some comments and the somewhat disjointed review, I do not think that Kevin is dead. It is likely that Virgil is not dead either. The disgruntled Michael leaving when Kevin arrives indicates that he is not on board with this "journey," but he has participated before. When he hears the gun shot and walks

And it was revealed more specifically that those ships Speight was inspecting were actually Cornelia's family's business. She will be her own father's undoing if his her brother doesn't throw him under the ship first. Lucy will take him down because she is just so badass. She told him right off she knows his

I also had hoped that there was some humanity in him that was going to surface, but that idea has been dashed. He wasted no time to volunteer his "skills" on the "idiot" boys of the home. And they were barely into puberty making it even more despicable.

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his