
That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

That's what I was thinking, too. After seeing that preview it's hard to see how she is going to get to Sioux Falls. This episode was just amazingly insane. There are too many things to even comment. But now I so much want Dodd to get his comeuppance from Bear and/or Floyd. What he did about Rye's death to his

I haven't gone through all of the comments yet, so it may have been hit on already. My take is that Ed will be the Lester of this season, if we were to run parallels. First Peggy gets him to cover up her hit and run, and he really did the cover up; then she basically blows him off to pay for the seminar, so he will

I think Gallinger is having an epiphany of sorts while listening to those "colleagues." He is finally getting how pathetic they are. His wife could never have survived with those vicious other wives, and the concept of eugenics I took was repellent to him since he works with the people they are denigrating on a

The Knick is the third one that is amazing. Manhattan is a good watch, but no way near the caliber of these 3.

I am surprised no one mentioned yet about the rental house haaving burned down. Isn't that John Murphy's thing? I immediately perked up on that line, thinking this does not bode well. I liked the backtracking from the ppoint of viuew of the Garvey-Dursts and how they came to be in Miracle. Miracle bordering on

I can't believe the Dome is gone! And Dawn lived through her Dad's attempt at killing her! Gee, I was so surprised that happened. I still am not understanding how the actors, with the exception of Dean Norris of course, just kept getting worse and worse. I think the absurdity of it all was getting to them too. As

I rewatched the scene too many times, so I feel bad that I am missing something crucial. My first watch live did not show her well enough to see the missing leg and it plays too dark on my computer to be able to tell if she is in fact missing a leg. My first reaction I have to say was that leg looked way too big to

I only rewatched it three times, but i also got the sense that Hannibal did not bet on Will literally taking them over the edge. I think it was a revelation to Will that he could do it, and a surprise to Hannibal that he actually did it. As for character development over the arc into part two, in the last three

My first thought was how does she know it wasn't her own hair. Two badass redheads in one show is pretty intense. I guess only her hairdresser would know for sure.

I hope we find out that the meth has been safely hidden all of this time and everyone can start a new life from the proceeds. Big Jim will feel magnanimous after all of the second chances he has had not to get his head blown off by various people, the number of whom I cannot even calculate at this point.