
Another really great show, along with Rectify and Peaky Blinders.

Exactly, especially since Julia's leg wound mysteriously healed itself overnight. It's amazing how many serious injuries she has endured in this long and winding month of domeville, but in this episode she is perfect again. Seems she managed a trip to the hairdresser or my tv color is off cause that hair was burning

I do not recall when Jon even found out about the assault, but i am pretty sure Amantha does not know. I figured her age to be about 32 also judging on how old she was when Daniel went to jail. Jared is only 16 or 17 because he has just gotten his driver's license, and if Daniel was in jail for 19 years or so, the

I agree with you. The dream sequence was not a smooth as we are used to with Rectify, with the ambiguity of whose dream it actually was. As I mentioned, I assumed it was Tawney but some viewers so it as Daniel's. That would be a lot of time under water. And I also got the flirty thing with Teddy and Amantha and

That is exactly what I thought. It was Tawney's dream set up by her reaction when Teddy told her Daniel had already left. Obviously her draw to come back to the house was to see Daniel, not Teddy. However, I did not get that it inevitably had to be Daniel who killed Hannah. I got it may have been the Senator who

Junior's offense when Christine kissed Sam back to his kinship senses brought to mind his relationship (I guess that was last week) with the undead chick who was Sam's girlfriend and his mom's best friend 20 years ago. And no one blinked an eye when he was making out with her! I forget what actually happened to her.

I think that line may have more meaning. We will find out that this whole thing was an elaborate scheme dreamed up by Julia to snag Barbie. Wasn't her husband cheating on her? Remember a month ago when she was worried about where her husband was?

I agree about the set ups and the biggest one I see is the unravelling of the mystery to get to the truth as close as Carl can get. He is so hard to read sometimes, which I know is intentional, but I want to believe he is really on Daniel's side. The other arc that will play out in season 4 will be the Holden/Talbot

Rewatching random episdoes from Seasons 1 and 2 to recall in detail the suicide and Trey's "coverup." The firsrt episodes are just so amazing to review and see the performance and character evolution of Daniel. The very first episode sets up the relationship between Ted Jr. and Daniel. I couldn't say for certain if

Yes! At first I ws thinking, well she has to act wooden because she is part of the sinister plot and that's how we will figure it out. Then I realized that since all of the acting on this show sucks, she had to fit in with the rest of the cast. Good luck trying to recover from this gig.

I actually read that somewhere that it wil be revealed that they were there the whole time, just laying low I guess. Now that we know all that mayhem happened in only three weeks, it's no wonder they needed to be in the cocoons to rejuvenate. I am exhausted just thinking about it.
I may have missed something but

I have to admit I must have missed something big in this episode. I have a completely different take. First, now we know where all of those people from The Leftovers wind up. Second, it just seemed to me as part of the elaborate scheme by the government in creating a Utopian society by instilling the fear of

I mentioned this earlier, I think everyone has been accounted for with a final "scene." I apologize if someone else hit on this, but it occurred to me that Don had to travel all the way to Oklahoma, shedding his Don Draper personna as he drove west, to find out what it would have been like if he'd owned up in Korea,

Thus, Bobby innocently giving away her sandwich because he didn't think she would it. That is the mother behavior he had witnessed at home.

I knew we would spend a lot of time (space) discussing Betty's diagnosis. The second we saw generally fit Betty struggling to get up a flight of stairs, I guessed it. First thought, how mean of an ending for her. And I agree that the way it was all handled was demeaning to Betty, but she has lived in that world her

At that time, pre-cell phones, your worth was determined by the size of your rolodex. It was your vital link to all of your contacts in the world. Joan doing that showed she was a professional even if the men didn't see her that way. It was a sharp move on the writer's part because it was absolutely accurate. And

Geez, not an "homage" to Holden Caulfield I hope.

It doesn't take that long to accomplish those tasks. Divorce was probably in the works. She could have lined up the job before hand, etc. That didn't bother me so much. And Megan's family coming in to help her clean up from her divorce seemed natural to me also. The "support" just drove Megan more into despair.

If you go back to season 1 you can see poor Pete's daddy issues and his desire to please to be accepted, and then his fuck you when he gets rejected. He runs the cycle over and over again. Actually, all of the main men, Pete, Don, Roger have daddy issues. Bert was Roger's surrogate father.

Pretty sure she was a blonde a la Betty.