
"I'm walkin' here."

Just binge watched and not to be a know it all, I got by episode 10 or 11 that Sally was the one who told them to lie. I just wished she would have revealed it to her children. I guess she really wasn't getting the whole newly resurrected point of Danny's tense relationship with his siblings byond the Dad. I also

Okay. Please do not write your review until you've watched the entire episode. And please do not insert references to Girls in a review of Shameless.
I would be as happy as anyone if Sammi was actually dead, except initially I felt that was too much for Debs to have to deal with, even though Micky's reaction and

I may have blinked, but I was hoping he was getting ready to flush it. Just goes to show how little grasp on reality Fiona still has which has been driving me crazy this whole season.

My thought at that last scene with Mickey and Fiona is that they are going in there with the base ball bat after her. Mickey could certainly get away with it, not so much Fiona. Sammi stooped to a low I don't think even Frank would go, and she will pay. And all while Deb is upstairs having pre-meditated, unprotected

This is exactly how I have seen the Frank and Lip relationship. William H. Macy is so phenomenal he has made that connecton with just a small facial gesture looking at Lip. Lip knows too that he can easily fall off the path and become a Frank.

Fiona is so out of control it is painful, and annoying to watch. It is too hard to suspend belief, even in a TV show, that the legal guardian of those children was sent to prison and no one stepped in to put them in foster care. Now Fiona is "back" and so preoccupied with her own trash that they are virtually left

Okay. I can't believe I am even commenting on this thread. The fact that the whole nonsense of the last column is still going on is pathetic. I do not know Sonia, and I don't know what comments she made, but I do feel that she had no business reviewing The Leftovers because it is way over her head. I kept coming

Gus had seen the car go by when he was on his mail route and realized it was Malvo but never, I do not recall, actually told Molly that he had seen him back in town. So when he saw the same car by accident, he knew he had to do something and not be a perpetual loser.

I had called Gus being the one to take Malvo down a few episodes back because he had to assert himself as Molly's protector after shooting her. So that made perfect sense to me and made me very happy. I also thought it was completely in character that Molly would be the brains behind the takedown, but would not have

For some reason she saw Lester as her ticket out from her horrible childhood. She tells him she had a crush on him from the beginning, so she obviously saw this miraculous transformation which I agree was quite a stretch for a one year time span. Where did all of the new business come from? I still think it has

Yes, he dropped the line to Lester about spending the last six months on this one. His employher has very deep pockets to set him up in these scenarios to get the jobs done. He was playing his buddy to get at the brother in witness protection which was just about to go down until Lester messed it all up. Maybe he

First, excellent review of an excellent episode. Fargo has become the most elegantly executed television series. The constant suspense was draining, and yet again, the end shot gave me the feeling, no, it's not over already. Every word that comes out of any character's mouth turns out to be significant and

You read it correctly. And if my initial response to you landed somewhere else on this thread, my apologies. To try to reconstruct my thoughts from yesterday, I just made up those time points randomly to make it make sense to me. 6:00pm LA time, which seemed early for a party, would be 9:00pm NY time, which seemed

Yes, that time difference works, I made that part up to justify my confusion. Can't help thinking it weird that the party and the darkness would be at 6pm in LA and that Peggy's little friend would come down to her apartment that late to watch TV? So Ginsburg was at the office that late on a Saturday (well that

Question. I rewatched the episode and cannot figure how the time difference between LA and NY worked. I haven't caught any other comments, so I'll throw this out there. The action seemed to be happening simultaneously on a Saturday night in both time zones. My math configurations could not figure it out. Party

I thought this was actually pretty obvious. When push came to shove Don needed someone to take care of those kids when they came for visits. Faye did not hide the fact that she lacked any maternal instincts and that is what drove his decision. It had to do with what would be the most convenient for him in the short

Thank you. That clears it up. I probably should have understood that but Lloyd's "IT speak" was confusing as to whether they were getting the IBM or IBM's rotate models so quickly, and that is why they could get the one they had cheaper than an official brand new IBM. Obviously, minor point in the grand scheme of

Michael Ginsberg was always an outsider, due to his past and his personality. But he was so loveable in his loyalty to his adoptive father, and his old world ways, and his dediication to quality work. His rants did not seem totally off to me because he was eccentric; and given the tumultuous times for a young man

Thank you. I thought the same thing about Don and Megan. Apparently there was some off-camera make up time. Although how mean for her to essentially throw out pregnant Stephanie (while throwing a check at her) who she knew Don really wanted to see, so as not to interfere with her hippie drug party and then proceed