
Another great recap, thanks. There is so much in this episode to move things along. Mickey does clean up very nicely and his tenderness toward Ian was beautiful to watch. Really curious to see if his underage status gets him off the hook with the Army. Also want to see someone stick it to Mike and Robbie for

To address some of the open thoughts brought up in the really well done recap and analysis of a spectacular episode, I also am wondering who will spill the beans on Robbie. I am hoping it's V, because she isso fiercely protective of Fiona. But the thing that I was concerned about immediately after episode 5 is when

I'm glad someone else has noted this. I am finding it hard to believe that Lip got a free ride to MIT, yet chose a different school, we never learn why, and is having a hard time with basic intro level classes at the University of Chicago and a work study kitchen job! Wouldn't he have some serious financial aid if