
I honestly can't remember all the stuff this season has put out… After that long break and then the kidnap storyline I seriously forgot about Kubiak, Olivia's photos (does that connect to the kidnap thing or what??), the B-613 files, Rowan, Huck commiting murder in front of Javi, Olivia managing Susan Ross campaing

First, the Sue thing is beyond overdone. Up until 'The hurt locker' it was tolerable, but now it's just a recycled monologue (I swear to jesus if I ever hear the 'I will destroy the glee club once and for all' line, I will dig a hole in my house and bury myself in it). I admit I enjoyed that number with Will and the

Well, Becky doesn't have to mantain a blind loyalty just because Sue's been nice to her. And that can apply to all the characters. If they covered that dilema, maybe they could've gotten away with a final Sue-centred episode. But they seemed to forget all the nice things Sue has done for the glee club. Like when she

My thoughts: The Simpsons + American Horror Story = this episode of Glee.