
Ah, the classic humblebrag, with added condescension for flavor! Yum!

Q: What do the Last Supper and the Arizona Fall League have in common?

No he is just a bad baseball player receiving undeserved hype, which is to be mocked.

Pffft, I could go 0 for 12 in the Arizona Fall League

If I’m not incorrect, he’s pretty devout and his religious practice clearly discourages purposeful contact with balls.

“Tim Tebow Saves First Base For Marriage”

There is literally no evidence of a “pay to play” scam.

I would buy the shit out of that New York Jews hat!

No, it wasn’t illegal. At the time there was no law preventing it. (This is usually the legal standard for determine legality BTW) Not to mention each of the last two SoS’s before her did the same thing as well, so it wasn’t some unheard of transgression on her part.


Ordinarily, this would go without saying, but... YOU CAN’T HELP ANYBODY IF YOU DON’T GET ELECTED.

Oh quit. This is nothing but a bunch of staffers speculating on what they could change with an unfriendly Congress. Aren’t journalists supposed to have some kind of understanding of context? Another boring boring email of nothing.

same, i would never NOT be telling that story.

Why? So I can be the guy people talk about at parties by saying things like, “I’ll bet he tells that fucking story about the night he...yep, he’s telling it.”

Rather confused message, there. Why would one use a Nazi symbol to try to scare folks one’s equating with Nazis?

Those two tweets from Clinton and Trump tell you just about everything you need to know about the candidates.

Can I say that I’m genuinely concerned about the safety of voters this year without sounding paranoid? I’ve never been scared to vote before but since Dipshit Trashfire has singled out my area as one of the ones “stealing the election” I’m getting in and out of there as fast as possible.

The words spray painted on the building were spelled correctly. It might not have been a Trump supporter.

Is it horrible and reprehensible that I immediately went to ‘false flag’ on this?