Two-headed duck

When I saw the tied up woman I assumed it was Baylor.

At the end of the game, Jim yelled out “Who’s got it better than us?” and in unison, the family screamed “Nobody!” and then everybody went inside and had pancakes and fucked. The Aristocrats!!

What the world really needs is for everyone to start hating pleasant enough people like Jim Nantz. If we can create enough of a shitstorm around normal dudes like Jim that haven’t done or said anything really controversial or awful in their whole lives to this point, maybe we can stop decent people all over from

I was wondering how this will relate to Z-7 Beta Hex quarterfinal C-Lane 5.4 Gaia Land of Creatures Phase X Weapons...

Schindler’s List.

This is so unfair! If you’re implying that Dan Snyder killed Scot McLoughan’s grandmother, I think we can all agree that’s reckless because the chances of that being true are probably no better than 20 - 25%.

As long as you can get American soldiers killed, you will always have defenders, because there will always be people who think saying that American soldiers were sent somewhere to die for no good reason is more offensive than sending American soldiers somewhere to die for no good reason.

Feel free to actually tell me, rather than just make snide comments. I don’t think I’m acting like some internet troll here, I’m trying to have an actual discussion to learn your viewpoint on the issue.

Not that she won’t be able to do a lot of harm, but you’re vastly over-estimating the Sec of Ed’s power.

Shoulda taken a beat, removed the USC shirt, and had another USC shirt underneath

“This kid gets it.”

Michael Moore spoke to this before the election when he predicted the outcome in the rust belt. Decent people fed up with Washington corruption, their lives hanging by a thread. Feeling left out, left behind in this economic recovery that everyone else is talking about. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That Trump

Non-GAAP earnings are not ‘back in vogue’, corporate debt is pretty low, and participation rate has been falling for 30 years. And interest rates are not ‘artificially low’, they are values that can be set at whatever we want them to - and we generally raise them to curtail employment, which is not good for the common

How long do we have to pretend to miss the point on this one?

Our house. In middle of the moat. Our house. Was our castle and our keep.

Okay, okay, okay. Nobody is going to read this, but I thought the same thing as Chait. I’m a fairly intelligent, reasonable person. It’s not an unreasonable assumption. It doesn’t make the person who thought it a bad person. It just makes us mistaken.

Easily the worst thing about college football is that both teams can’t lose.

Laugh now, but let’s see who wins a SAG award in the best shorts category.

we are now boarding the passengers seated in the no class section of our fight.

Looking at national numbers is irrelevant. Neither candidate ran a national campaign, why would they? Take a look at Michigan, PA, Wisc. Turnout for Hillary in the pockets of those states where she should have dominated was abysmal compared to Obama.