True, though the guy I “dated” in college at the age of 19 who had like 55 ex-girlfriends did raise a few eyebrows.
True, though the guy I “dated” in college at the age of 19 who had like 55 ex-girlfriends did raise a few eyebrows.
UM, “could you be a peach” sounds SUPER condescending, and the choice to use it on DAY TWO of a new job with your BOSS is just ... that’s incredibly bad judgment.
Eh, click bait. Try harder
I think we’re talking about a group of people who are making decisions well past the point of having ruled out “straightforward, respectful conversations” though
Wow, this is gross and stupid. Also, and from a completely pragmatic standpoint, who ever had good sex with a virgin of either gender?
I’m going to quote Ali Wentworth here (because I read her book for some reason) And honestly this should be true for both women and men.
/a girl with a pelvic tattoo walks into frame
I’m guessing too that this is also about sexual insecurity on the part of the MRAs. No previous partners = nothing to live up to. No previous partners = less likely to demand an orgasm.
Exactly. The guy who screws around but wants a “pure” girl is a bad lay with substandard equipment. Thanks for weeding yourself out, guys. I hope you MRAs stay single for life and never get laid again.
Women, even ugly ones, are easily able to have sex with almost any man they choose, some men will even pay for the privilege. When something is easily attainable, it is worth less.
I fucking love MRAs.
The fact that they’re so outspoken make it so much easier to steer clear of the lunatics.
No hymen, no diamond? No problem!
White shmucks? What does race have to do with it? They were shmucks, let’s just leave it there.
Stonewall is on Christopher Street. What part of Christopher St is in the East Village?
Exactly what I was going to say. Pay the extra few hundred it takes to make sure that your divorce is done properly. I realize that there are some people who literally cannot afford it, but for those who can, it’s not the kind of thing you should be cutting corners on.
you’re gross.
May they be joined by the women who falsely accused men who have done nothing.
So guilty until proven innocent? No thanks.
Diets are for suckers.