Yeah I mean 40% of welfare reciepents are black, despite black people making up only 13% of the population, but fuck facts rgiht. Go welfare state!
Yeah I mean 40% of welfare reciepents are black, despite black people making up only 13% of the population, but fuck facts rgiht. Go welfare state!
It was a "there's always typos no way do you guys have editors" joke
“The Concourse, which is our site explicitly dedicated to writing about things that aren’t sports, is a year and a half old. It’s got its own dedicated editors, and everyone at Deadspin contributes to it. Where you been, homie?
I too am stunned that a team in a city of 3 million people that has won 3 championships in the past 6 years has any fans. Shocking.
My thoughts as well.
Seriously, talk about a rollercoaster.
“Source says rape kit exam of Kane accuser was cut short because of problems with equipment. Could explain lack of DNA.”
Or maybe he just didn’t do it. I don’t know, that little thing called "presumption of innocence"? It's kind of important, reporter.
Well shit.
Add this to the accuser's friend, who reportedly no longer backs the accuser's version of events, and there's no way Patrick Kane is facing charges.
Haha, being against abortion != sharia law.
Is Kiffin still alive? Then I think it's safe to say he didn't sleep with Saban's daughter.
Well said, I'm with ya 100%
I think it depends on when you start dating too. Younger, it may be something you think is important, but as you get older it becomes more obvious that the number doesn’t really mean anything.
Yeah, um I wasn't going for creative? Whatever. You've proved you know what a theme is, and completely changed the conversation. I'm like super impressed, or something.
Yeah, uh, he's a 13 year old kid. I know you don't like his politics, but it's ok to just ignore the story, instead of piling on the snark.
Sweet. I never said the movie had no themes. I said it didn't explore the impact of D-Day on the wider war. Congrats, you know what a theme is, even though you apparently cannot read.
Literallly the whole point of the movie is the focus on one squad and their doing whatever they have to to make it home. Good try, though.
This might well be true. Especially with impovements in cgi and special effects, I'm sure it could be done better.
1. What difference does the color of their skin make? Oh, right Gawker.
Uh yeah, obviously. Neither I, nor the person I was responding to, said that.