
It would have worked if he played Brian Phelps instead of Hooper.

"Styrofoam cup?" Seriously, how great is "Freaked"? And how sad is it that it's impossible to find anywhere?

So, Lorne will "ban for life" Elvis Costello and Adrian Brody (among many others) for the unpardonable sin of causing the show to run long, but he'll let this bloviated ass clown stink up the airwaves with his megalomania? Priorities, got it.

Loosen up the man bun, hipster bear…

A climax set around a high-stakes game of Yahtzee? Really?

I would still like to know where the beef is.

I *hated* "The Squid & the Whale". There. I said it.

Now to build a Voltron of suckitude from equal parts Matchbox 20, Cool For August, Semisonic and Marcy's Playground!

It's not like they're Collective Soul… Wait which one are they again?

On tour at Guy Fieri's American Kitchens everywhere!