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    Exactly! He been gone for a while. Why people still holding on and reporting his every move? He obviously has no love for his people so why the black press trying to love him? Give him to those people who he so dearly loves, are they going buy his music or his whack ass clothes?? I really don’t give a damn about what

    I wonder the same thing? Why give this fool the time of day? If you follow and support him, then I get it, but otherwise why listen or support his ignorance??  I have no use for him and will never buy anything from him or his wife.

    Why are you guys still covering him and giving him attention? Or are you intentionally giving him a platform?

    She dodged that bullet.

    I hate to say it but the only thing that will stop Cardi B’s street behavior of running up on people is for someone to smack her down. Apparently she doesn’t realize that her success is a blessing and a healthy baby is another blessing. So maybe she needs to get whopped up side the head to figure it out.

    She is mad because she looks at her mug in the mirror each day. Ugly dude

    A 18 year sentence is not enough. She should been given about 30 years. This kidnapper has damaged this girl and her bio parents. And she continues to victimize them by having n contact with a child she stole. Can the man who kidnapped Elizabeth Smart call or write her? Hell No! These bio parents are really being

    I was thinking just that. She had 27 million viewers I will not be surprised if she is picked up.

    So many Beckys! Roseanne is old ignorant, hick Becky.

    Cut him off and don’t buy this crap. F$#k Kanye!

    For the life of me, I cannot believe your white privileged attitude. The whole point was the fact that black people have been ruthlessly murder for far far less. That was the point. Period. Now if you don’t agree, that’s your problem. But no, you decided to dismiss that fact and talk about what you want to talk about.

    I’m not surprised that the white folks are clowning, white folk love the British and to see that “colored girl” getting with Prince Harry is more than they can take. But I was thinking the black side of the family to too quiet. I was wondering if her mother is an only child. Does she have a grandmother or black

    In the late 1960’s who turned rock and roll on its ass? Jimi Hendrix! RIP VOODOO CHILE. Clapton and many others were amazed AND jealous. THEY EMULATED JIMI’s playing style. Listen to Early Clapton and you hear Hendrix influence. Of course, the race issue emerged in some people’s heads. Clapton will never admit that.