
Three home runs is gonna be his max. He’s a big fan of another guy who really only connected with the wood three times.

Um, if it had nothing to do with the city, then why is the T-Rex short for Torontosauras Rex, idiot.

Pat Beverly wins this hands down. He had the stats, comedic timing and the series win.

All of these emails really reinforce my belief that there were three types of Trump voters. 1) The “fuck you” vote, which encompasses the anti-PC sentiments, the “blow up the system” sentiments, and the “he’s not a politician” sentiments. Basically, people who felt, for various reasons, that the system either wasn’t

Army is kind of a joke, we know. I’m a 2010 grad who was a plebe at west point in 2006. This is my 10 year anniversary watching A/N as a cadet/officer. As Army ran out the clock, I started thinking of classmates I had that were killed in the past six years and I completely lost it. Started bawling. I hate hyperbole