
I found the episode a bit boring. As soon as BB had those symptoms, I suspected it was radiation poisoning. Nothing else made sense considering they were cloistered down there, away from any communicable diseases. (I guess it could be lung cancer but that usually doesn't come on with skin symptoms). I also didn't know

I think it's a fair question. Why didn't more people resist the Nazis? Surely a significant factor was their sense of moral obligation to not put the survival of their own children at risk.

I agree that the show is about the moral dilemmas, and I'm happy so far with how they've done it, showing credibly (I mean tv-land-credibly) how some people might become collaborators with an evil but overwhelmingly powerful regime.

I'm upset Devon died because I thought she was a good character. I hope they don't start killing off all the interesting characters. I don't know how long Broussard can last, though. Seems like his number might be up by the end of the season.