
Lol I got her few days ago. Her father who happen to be blushing around men and use him to marry the red hair dere girl and got her as the daughter who is into woman.. Im sorry, I am really bad on remember the names either in Japanese or English. Had the Japanese ver since June 26

No they do not, when you goto Yodobashi or other Big Electronic store or Nipponbashi district, the Microsoft section is always at the corner of the store. I saw it went on sale most of the time, but not many people bother to even look at it. I think MS might need some anime game.

I dont think free wifi is that hard to find in Japan to be honest. I live in Kyoto for 3 months without data for my phone, and in Kyoto, there is KyotoFreeWifi at every bus stop. Free wifi at every 711, Family Mart, Lawson. Most station had wifi, than when I went to Osaka, free wifi is probably the easiest thing to

I always thought I will be great if they remaster okami game for my vita and ps4 :D

Kyoto is a great place to visit. I live there for 3 years and I currently live there as well :) You will love it I can guarantee that.

Welp, I already bought my when it first release in Japan. I was really upset about I have to spend another 2000 yen to play as the dark side lol. And I had to run back to Yodobashi that day.