
However awesome Chrono Trigger may be in some peoples eyes, we are talking about what game is the figure head of the genre. Sure Chrono Trigger was/is the best jRPG, but you can't doubt that it was influenced (heavily) by the Final Fantasy franchise, which had been around for 8 years before Chrono Trigger was

Haha yeah for sure...that includes me...

Is there a more over-used word at these game conventions, or even tech conventions in general, than "Revolution(ize)(ary)"?

Come on now people, don't act like you care what the armor looks like. You all know as long as you 25% more damage you will be happy...


By the end of WotLK, tons of people were super well geared. So there was a good chance when you queue that you will end up with a well geared tank and healer. And even if you took aggro, the enemy would die extremely fast. People were downing bosses in like 16 seconds. My rogue would do like 10k dps. It got way easy.

In the Champions Hall or the horde equivalent you can buy "Legacy Armor" with honor points I think. So I don't think you would need to go back and solo anything...

Im not sure how one could get past Thaddius. The whole +/- thing...

The dungeon finder is actually extremely useful. I mean yeah, every once in a while you find a shitty tank or laggy healer...but most of the time, people know what they are doing...

I agree with that guy. I un-subbed about a month before Cata was released, so really not that long ago. I started up again a couple months ago, and it was almost like a whole new game. Its better to start over, to get to know the classes again, and to experience the new story lines and zone layouts...

I swear I had something for this...


$50 on 30 years? I got $2k on this idea never happening...

Good. Then we won't go insane on experimental drug over-doses and turn the utopian paradise into chaos...

Um...this guy is joking right?

Ah okay, yeah I agree. As usual with Bioware games, Im sure there will be multiple paths toward the conclusion of the Cerberus arc. Pissing IM off, or agreeing to do it his way at the end of ME2 is almost guaranteed to affect the outcome of "What happened with Cerberus".

I never played it, but I did just read through the plot. And like I mentioned before, the only thing it seems to do is suggest that humans are easily corruptible, and therefore its very possible Cerberus was indoctrinated. But yeah, no mention of them.

Great post. Out of curiosity, who would monitor the companies to make sure they are dedicating a reasonable amount of resources toward using the patent to develop product? Whoever rights that policy would have to be very careful in their wording to make sure that companies don't sit on the patent only doing like 1

Which is why the idea of "eliminating patents altogether" is ridiculous. I agree with the author, the legal wording needs to be changed to accommodate for the variables that comes with patenting software. The little guy deserves his shot to at least sell his patent to the big guy like Apple, if they want to. Let alone

Then I was misled again by some of the commenters who responded to my original question.