Shop, S-Mart!
Shop, S-Mart!
You forgot to add the brutal, but necessary death of a work associate who is the best character on your boat...
Please come to the Twin Cities. We have great concert halls and Theatre's for such events!!! Poor Minnesota...always left out in the cold...
Maybe I've just been out of the loop, but is it common practice to pre-order a game when the release date hasn't even been announced? I mean, for all we know this game might be released next year at this time.
Agreed. Im not as into the voice acting as most people seem to be. As far as Im concerned ANY voice is more like a bonus perk to an RPG/Action RPG game. Maybe its because I grew up playing Final Fantasy games and other Square RPGs, where a text box was satisfactory, no voices necessary. Unless you count Kefka's laugh…
Hes got the need...THE NEED, FOR CHEESE!!!
The Feds have to know who they are right? After Team Poison outed them? You gotta think that only a few people have access to the twitter account, which means that they are organized, and not necessary a random collective of sociopathic minds...
Its one of my favorites...perfect for a game room...
"Now that we've stopped Ragnaros from burning the trees, we're heading into his real to tree his burning. That'll show him."
I think it might. I mean, this system takes a huge bite out of their "Realm Change" market. And the Realm Changing costs the player money.
So does it work for pvp?
When First Strike and Escalation came out I would have recommended buying them. But its too close to the new games to purchase anything now. Annihilation is alright, with some fun larger maps, but again, MW3 and BF3 are only a few months away. I am slowly moving away from Black Ops, due to Treyarchs retarded choice of…
Seriously...pisses me off that Treyarch removed the Hardcore Headquarters lobby. Why the combined everything into Hardcore Bombs and Hardcore Flags is beyond me. Either people were getting to good at HC HQ, or Treyarch was just crying because people weren't playing the other shitty game types, even though plenty of…
Theres 1 map that is "too cramped" for sniping, and thats Nuketown. And even then, people find a way to snipe, and sometimes, if you are good, you can get a positive K:D. All the rest of the maps are viable for sniping. If you know how to play, you should be able to kill 1 guy, pick up his weapon instead of your…
Was going to say that or Space Invaders for the "M"...the "S" jumped out as GTA or Borderlands to me, but im probably wrong, what do you think?
Well thats your opinion, and yes, if you want to look at it that way, it makes sense. I personally would rather watch BG competitions...some WSG or Arathi Basin...where there is an actual objective other than just "kill the other team"...things are slower as well, and my announcer idea would work fantastically if they…
I have to agree sir. Was the only Zelda game where I felt satisfied with almost everything (and I say almost only because of the item-fetch you need to do to get the item that unlocks the last dungeon, seriously impossible to find out what to do)...
Tactics Ogre, FFT: Advanced, and Pokemon games always looked fine to me...the biggest thing for me was, obviously, being able to play in the dark without one of those bulky ass GB lights that sapped the battery and were a pain.
That is a good idea. Plus announcers explaining some of whats going on. I mean, stuff happens too fast in Arena's to announce everything thats happening, but in between matches they can do a recap and then do the best they can while the match is going on. To most people, all they see is a blotch of flashy lights and…