I absolutely loved when they incorporated a back-light into Gameboys. One of the only features Nintendo ever added to a system that greatly improved on aesthetics, functionality, practicality, and basically the overall quality...
I absolutely loved when they incorporated a back-light into Gameboys. One of the only features Nintendo ever added to a system that greatly improved on aesthetics, functionality, practicality, and basically the overall quality...
So is it just the boss fight in the video that looks this, well, slow? It seems like they slowed down the fight the compensate for the delay. The guy playing just sat there, sometimes for 5 seconds or so, just moving his sword around, showing us that the boss mirrors the movements in order to block. Are we to assume…
That delay is disappointing, but it looks like he is way to close to the sensor. Optimal playing position might make a big deal.
You are correct...its comes out the 12th...DAMN YOU DYSLEXIA!!!
A Dance With Dragons, the 5th installment in the "A Song of Ice and Fire" book series by George R. R. Martin comes out today. Its been 6 years since the 4th book. Needless to say Im pumped to get home and read for an hour while on the bike machine. Multi-tasking for the win.
This is all irrelevant. First of all, the author tried to relate his stupid "high friends gaming story" to the actual meaning of the article, which was dumb. Regardless if weed of booze makes you better at anything, if in fact the study does show that weed and video games show a significant increase in memory…
Wait, so does this mean that Video Games and weed help prevent Alzheimer's? Or is it just a treatment (supposedly)?
Was I the only one who liked Legend of Mana? Haven't seen that one mentioned once in the comments...
Agreed...If I had to pick 2 FF games it would be VI and VII easily...and if I had to pick a third it would be IX...
Is it just me, or does this game look incredibly hard?
Really? 3 commercial breaks in a 20 minute online video? What the fuck is the world coming to? Even if it was on G4TV, you would think they would allow for streaming straight through the entire thing without ads.
Getting back into WoW after a long hiatus. PvP in WSG/AB in the 25-29 bracket. Should be a good time-passer when bored...always liked PvP...lot of changes to get used to though...good thing I bought all those heirlooms for my hunter before I quit...
Just re-downloaded WoW...and "wow"...shit has changed...
A boss comprised of hot air, eh? It would be a simple boss fight then...like using Phoenix Down's on Undead bosses in the FF games...
Definitely an Ultros...
You gotta chill brah...
HesOnFire (reference to NBA Jam obviously) on AIM...
Yeah, but just like a tent or a cabin even, the minute you open that flap/door, those freakin things come swarming in...especially if you have a light on inside...
Whats with the names that are a million words long...I have a feeling they could make it more efficient...don't they charge per letter for cover art?
Or we could all just settle the hell down and realize these are just words...no matter how offensive...