
You can say all that now, as you have had time to process the meaning of the test. But pretend you are 7 years old and cant comprehend the meaning of such a test as it is applied to you. They aren't going to relate which choice goes with whatever game they are playing. They are going to choose whatever comes to their

And Explo"b"e, sounds too much like a combination of Explode and Probe. A deadly combination indeed...

found that children who had just finished playing violent video games were more likely to fill in the blank letter in "explo_e" with a "d" (so that it reads "explode") than with an "r" ("explore")

You got the "foul mouthed modern gamer" part right on, lol. Though I've been playing since NES.

This would be true if LuLzSec actually wanted to promote revolution. Chaos, was their goal initially. And, like the sociopaths they are, they got what they wanted. Attention. Only surprise surprise, it was negative attention. So they tried to cover up their actions and fly the flag of the "Anti-Sec" movement and acted

Hahahahaha, best line from that entire skit...they really need to bring that show back...

So true. I love that he talks like he was the first one to come to this conclusion. People have been writing this same opinion in the comments of every CoD/BO article for the past 3 years. Personally...I just say fuck it all...in the end, gamers are selfish...we will play whatever the fuck we want, and argue about

I can't tell if this is good news or bad news. Part of me wants to see what they will reveal next. But part of me thinks this is marketing strategy. Meaning, the next time Diablo 3 is featured at a game expo, probably Blizzcon, they will have enough completed to have a massive reveal, and a pre-alpha demo available at

In a world where cyber-terrorists run rampant, I really doubt the US government isn't prepared for such a thing. Counter-cyberterrorism is a giant facet of the Department of Defense/Homeland Security/NSA. Code breaking "broke" onto the scene during the Cold War. This is the same thing, just on a different medium.

Why do they always pick on the smallest kid? Started out just messing around...then some asshole rubs grass in his eyes/mouth...way to ruin a simple day of backyard wrestling douch-kid...

Seriously...what are these people saying?!?!? How was the way the hockey game played out, not related in the slightest to the riots?!?

Haha I wasn't trying to put it somewhere it would logically fit. More like, its an evil song, and bosses are generally evil...soooo....?

Definitely...but at least Manic Monday rhymed...

"With Chicken and Sweet Carp on the Side"

Bengals > Rebecca Black...from now to the end of time...

Am I the only one that thinks this should be a boss battle theme song in an older Final Fantasy game?

Weight-loss is a direct and positive side-affect from detoxifying. Thats why stars like Beyonce do these flushes. Sure its great to clean out your system and get healthier, but thats not the main reason people do these flushes.

You know, its always hilarious to me listening to Europeans talk about how Americans live without any experience in the matter. You talk in generalizations. You talk based on what you hear in the news or read on the internet. You have NO idea how the majority of American citizens live out their day-to-day lives.

So, are you condoning or condemning the actions of these groups? Or are you just one of those people who say "fuck it" and forget about the whole thing?

Steampunk Yoda = Fucking Amazing...found a new desktop background!! Which is good, because I am sick of looking at Dirk chugging an $80k bottle of Ace of Spades champagne after winning the NBA championship..