
Yeah i don't know what it was called. Colonoscopys aren't really an age-based thing, and no one gets them regularly. Im 24 and had to get one is there was a cancerous cyst in my colon and they needed to check it out. But usually around age 50, people have to go in and get their bunghole checked out...

Seriously...im not going to hate because they dont know a thing about games...it be like them hating on me because I don't know a thing about clothes or makeup...

Man..i tried one of those super-flush weight loss things. Can't eat any food. Can only drink water mixed with lemon juice mixed with cayenne pepper and natural maple syrup. Then at night, you chug a liter of salt water.

This might be one of the situations where it was more expensive to develop than to manufacture and operate. I really doubt they re-use these things, and the photos are probably transferred to a monitor wirelessly. So Im sure people would just shit it out and flush it...

Well, usually before colonoscopy's, you are required to purge and flush...basically drink gallons of this stupid fluid that makes you shit your brains out for hours...and then you can't eat for like 2 days...

Um...of the two options available, I don't think that was one of them, and glad it wasn't... :P

Most disturbing movie cover art ever?


Now we will see how faithful these guys stay to their "Comrades". Its almost a guarantee this kid will crack and give up the other members...everybody is a rat nowadays...

Needs to turn up the gravity a little bit....

"You're forgetting, Lindsay, that as a psychiatrist, I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first "analrapist"." - Tobius Funke


Where is Th3J3st3r, the so called Hackivist and U.S. patriot who only hacks terrorists and stuff? Didn't he/she say he was now targeting LuLzSec? All this talk is counter-productive...when is someone going to do something? Since Gawker is so dead-set on reporting anything that has to do with these groups, I at least

More Like...Real Housewives of Silicon Valley

Shegeek there is going to regret those colored tatoos in about 20 years...I swear, people never learn...Grey Scale folks, Grey Scale....

Major: We have top men examining this individuals brain as we speak.

He seems to have just as many connections to the outside world as anyone who isn't inside a box...

Easily "Aerith's Theme" from FFVII. After that *Cough* *Cough* horrible thing happens to her, and the white materia slowly bounces down the steps and falls into the water as the theme starts out slowly like it does, and then picks up. Sure it repeats itself throughout, but its still beautiful. And that was the closest

So Dungeon Siege 3 came out today. Anyone have any initial thoughts? I have it pre-loaded and ready to go on PC. Played the XBOX 360 demo, and am wondering what its like on PC. The interface seems more tuned for a controller than a keyboard...I would really hate it if I had to work super hard to play a game that is

Dues Ex Trailer —-> Youtube