Simple misinformation.
Simple misinformation.
LuLz and Anon providing the typical misinformation expected in their twitter response. 6 people? Really doubt it. So basically don't trust anything they say about themselves on Twitter after this.
Dude...your completely wrong. Saying someone "has a case" does not make them in the right. Like nopenin10did said, when the trial starts, if Activision can prove that they violated their contracts, they will not get their loyalties. The judge has no way in knowing yet who is in the right or wrong, all he knows is that…
Troy? Historical Inaccuracy? As far as Im concerned, one can alter an already made-up story on the screen if they want to and it will be fine. Troy wasn't horrible. It may not be spot on in terms of Homer's writings, but its good enough...the moral of the story still played out, which was that Achilles is a…
Isn't that pretty much what the Anjali Character is?
If only he invented some sort of device that can trim and maintain ones hair...
Hm, thanks for the info. So is it kind of like one of my favorite multi-player shooters of all time, Enemy Territory? Where you have classes like Engineer, Medic, Covert Ops, Soldier, Field Ops? And have objectives you have to complete within the map like escorting a tank to blow up a wall that is protecting a power…
Dungeon Siege for free from pre-ordering DS3 off steam....just as fun as I remembered...
Okay. Maybe its just me. But I really don't see a difference between this and CoD. So some environments are destructible? Is that their selling point? Still?
Seriously...just destroy/remove the PC component. If he really wants to play, he can get a job and work for one. I had to work for all my shit. This builds a habit. The habit of working for everything you own and want. Once that habit develops he will be fine.
Something that takes weeks to fix doesn't get "quietly patched". The network was down. Something like that doesn't go unnoticed. People want to know, and have the right to know, why it happened.
I wouldn't mind if they used their l33t hack skills to get the idiot drivers off the road. Good call.
Condoms not included?!?
So Geth = Stormtrooper = Turian = Clonetrooper?
Wow, I've never seen that either. That shit is hilarious. Do you think he laughed at the end because of what he said, or because he realized he F'd up in the greatest of ways?
And he got starred for it too. Freakin' hilarious...
True, though I can't see any of the journalists at Kotaku getting too upset over this...I hope they approve him, if only for the hilarity of his grammar and writing style...
Because he called the people at Kotaku "mamby pambys"?
"I can't give you any more money Billy. But what I can do is give you this same speech, every 3 months, for a $15 fee..."
People play 15 per month on WoW. Whats the difference?