
Sounds like he was coached. I mean, this is Australia we are talking about. The court there is predominately against violent video games like GTA for example. His lawyers probably coached him in order to appeal to the game-hating court system in Australia. They would kind of be stuck in a rut if they punished him

Beating Ozma (I think that was the name), who is the secret boss in the Chocobo Air Garden in FFIX...

Dear Gawker, why do you videos lag, and therefore, suck balls?

***New Quest***

Is it okay with the women who read these comments if I say that she is being, and has been, a cunt?

I don't think the judgment of GotY should be based on whether or not a game has multiplayer. However, there are some games where it is a necessity. Did Bioshock 2 need multiplayer? No. Did Mass Effect? No. Do games like Halo and MW need multiplayer. The answer is a huge YES. Thats just the type of games they are. ME,

For all we know that kid could be a huge asshole. The bully was stupid, maybe he got what he deserved? But Im not giving credit to Casey. Casey was probably a fucking dick. We have no idea what the whole story is, or the background of either kid, so don't crown him a saint just yet for "standing up" to a kid that was

For all we know that kid could be a huge asshole. The bully was stupid, maybe he got what he deserved? But Im not giving credit to Casey. Casey was probably a fucking dick. We have no idea what the whole story is, or the background of either kid, so don't crown him a saint just yet for "standing up" to a kid that was


One thing I agree on with you was the lack of teammate equipment. I mean, whats the point of having mage and warrior armor drop if Hawke is a rogue? Everything that he can't wear is basically trash meant for selling. I liked being able to mix and match equipment to best suit my parties needs. And some of the companion


There kind of needs to be healers and tanks. Would look kind of weird if you sent in an Ewok to tank a Rancor....

Went over to a buddies this weekend and saw that he bought Rift. Watched him play a little bit. The whole "You're not in Azeroth anymore." marketing ploy was indeed true. But I think they should have changed it to,

Haha yeah, thats what I meant...

I don't purchase enough products to get Amazon Prime, though it is a good deal if you buy from them frequently...

DA2 should be coming in today through release-day-delivery from Amazon. I really like this. Amazon has been my go to place for games as of late. For Dragon Age 2, I pre-ordered the game for $59.99. If you pre-order from them you get bonus pre-order content, but that is not what I like most. Its the

They don't care about their roots of game development. If you think that a company cares more about that than making the most money possible from selling their product, then you are sadly mistaken.

Because the revenue generated from blockbuster titles (your modern war games) allows for a company to create new and creative IP. For every new, artistic IP, companies have to have a few big hits. What better way to generate that revenue then to create a generic modern warfare shooter or expand on an already popular

Fucking Captain America...

Maybe they are focused on using the dialogue from the series/book. That was definitely the best part of the book, and really distinguished the characters and their actual personalities as uniquely theirs.