
While I agree with your main point, its hard for me to complain about PC-to-Console ports for FPS games. Its not like porting SCII or D3 or anything like that where functionality and practicality of the game mechanics and controls would take a huge hit.

Im actually surprised about how close this "house" was to an actual house. I was expecting the structure to be made from light weight material like PVC or some other synthetic. Pretty cool.

The best part is watching the legs of the crowd standing above the operations...they just book it...hilarious...

Double XP weekend for CoD. Torchlight.

Seriously...hate them little (sometimes big) bastards.

What type of game is this? Yes I know there is this thing called the internetz, and I can just look it up. But I am looking for a little more input from the people who played its predecessor, and what they expect from Dark Souls?


Well theres your problem....you just play way to damn much...

"Every gun can beat every other gun."

Lu Bu?!? Run!!!!!!!

Agree, Agree, Agree. I've tried to make this point before. The internet does not speak for the masses. When looking at the figures, a few thousand people bitching and moaning on Kotaku or IGN or Game Informer or whatever video game sites one goes to, doesn't mean shit. The game is still selling amazingly, and its

Its only unjusitified to some...opinions are opinions...

Too you it might not be hard. But anyone who plays consistently can tell you that the majority of the people who you play in matches with, suck balls. Thats why the game isn't fun to me unless you play with friends, and more importantly, friends who are good.

I always wanted to try a burger cut from Wagyu cattle (the cows that produce Kobe Beef). I don't know why I said wanted, Im 23 and its still very possible. That would be delicious. The fish though, meh. Don't get me wrong, I love seafood, but I grew up Minnesotan. No lack of fish, walleye in particular, in the diet

Um....the Original Cabela's Big Game Hunter was fucking BOMB!!! This was before you could move around and buy shit to equip your guy. All you could do was sit in a spot, and your guide would be like, "did you hear that? Whats that near the ____", and you had to scroll to where he hints the animal might be with your

Haha, feel free to do so. You unofficially have official clearance to use any, and/or all of my comment content on Gawker Media websites. I, 25toLife, swear to this.

What the fuck are you talking about? I could care less which it was, PSP or DS, I didn't care to much to look it up, or remember. The point is that the commercial caters to kids. And more specifically, kids with tight pants and long ass hair who skateboard, and kids in detention. I believe the kid in detention

I do agree. There needs to be subtlety in invoking player emotion. You can't cater the story around forcing the player feel a certain emotion. You have to create catalysts for the emotion. Allow for the player to make up their own mind, experience their own emotion, not the characters. Thats interactivity, being

Hmm, maybe it was. Either way, it pissed me off :).

@Bananahs: I do agree. There needs to be subtlety in invoking player emotion. You can't cater the story around forcing the player feel a certain emotion. You have to create catalysts for the emotion. Allow for the player to make up their own mind, experience their own emotion, not the characters. Thats interactivity,