
@Chicken Pawks: I get that the game is still playable without prone/lean. I just dont understand why they didnt put it in the game when they are clearly available as game mechanics? Don't you think its more realistic to be able to complete simple movements like laying down and peeking around corners? Depending on your

@kable: Don't really care. Played CS: Source for a little bit and didn't like it as much as I liked ET. Thats my opinion anyway. My original question still stands, why not give the user more movement options when the option is clearly available and has been for sometime?

@Mighty Midget: Again I ask, why not offer players the most movement options available? And games should be more like the "precious CoD". Believe it or not, those games are progressive, and you cant argue with success, dont even try. And dont act like your freakin superior because you don't play CoD. Your not "hip"

@CubemonkeyNYC: Why should I adapt to BC2? BC2 should adapt to every successful FPS that includes those mechanics. I mean shit, Wolfenstien: Enemy Territory had lean and prone like 8 freakin years ago, and in my opinion is one of the best PC fps games still today. Get with the times...why not allow players to lay

My buddy just said there is no prone, and no lean left/right. If this is true, this game sucks. Can you seriously have a PC fps without prone and and lean? Also said the game play seemed slow.

What are they thinking? You can spend that kind of money on a laptop and play WoW anywhere this thing can play WoW, which is where you can find a connection. But on a laptop, you get a bigger/better screen.

@jasonburnett: Those would be some wildly unsuccessful games. A well-made, successful game usually comes with good sales. And since hipsters are the demon offspring of hippies and grunge-beasts, they have no money, and cant buy games.

@Kobun: Correct, Apple has CNN for that, as well as their own keynotes. Why pay for air time when CNN gives you free publicity?

Why on MTV? I don't get it. I thought only teenage girls watched MTV. Thats not quite the target market.

@PajamaSam: Only because I go 54-2 against kids like you constantly in MW2...absolute murda...

@GodhandX: Do yourself a favor and dont get into MMOs. They are only fun if you get semi-serious about them and that occupies a lot of time.

@PajamaSam: The online gaming world would be much better off without people like you. Just thought you should know that. Have a good weekend!!

@shereni: Just started playing MW2 again. At level 67 of my second prestige. Hoping to prestige again before my sisters birthday tonight. :P

Percy Harvin should try this for his migraines...

I love EA for doing this. It shows people how stupid this whole situation is. "Change the label, everything is sunshine and lollipops". Fact of the matter is, the people who were originally mad at the Taliban controversy, should be equally mad at the game in general, or else they are hypocrites or just extremely

@dracosummoner: Heating bills? He keeps his house warm by literally "heating bills".

@Chilango: If I had enough money to be that guys neighbor, I wouldn't hate anything. Even that seperate property is gorgeous

@enzo_man: "I don't like his cocky attitude and how he tries to be "cool""

At least there is outrage over this in China. At first I thought this was would be accepted as a possible result of enrollment at the boot camp. My question is, who decides these kids are addicted to the internet and online gaming? What is the criteria for Chinese online gaming addiction? Is this yet again another

Im an Anti-Fanboy Fanboy...