
You know, rats don't really like water. I can't wait for the picture of the thousands of rats that pour out of the tunnels once they flood, and right onto Madison Avenue.

@level9wishspell: Need 21 million gallons of water removed? No Sweat!! Cowwa-bunga dude!!!

As far as I know, there are really only 4 positions one should ever fire a weapon from. Standing, sitting, on a knee, and prone. I guess also, when advancing on a position and you need to walk while aiming down the sight. Anything else would drastically decrease accuracy. Now, could you imagine a game where you

@Pirandello: But if the Flash fired the weapon while running "faster than a speeding bullet" wouldn't the resulting velocity be greater than his running speed? Making him "Not quite as fast as a speeding bullet that is fired while running faster than a speeding bullet".

@Archaotic: Or like in CoD when you are 10 feet away from a sniper, and pump 3 rounds of ACR shells into him, yet he still has the agility, speed, and focus to quick scope you.

@crews200: I think your exactly wrong. I think gamers tend to have a very good sense of humor. I don't know a single gamer that didn't laugh at the "MOMMMM, BATHROOOM" scene in the WoW episode. We gamers are bias, we argue our opinions, and we disregard the opinions of others frequently, but we are not heartless, and

@crews200: No one bats an eye? Im pretty sure a muslim extremist indirectly told his followers to bomb the houses of SP creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker if they showed Muhammad during an episode. South Park catches shit all the time.

@M1911: And its freakin' hilarious...

@darkos87: I don't see any "elite" PS3 exclusives from that list other than GOW3 and GT5. Modnation Racers is a cool ass game, but in my opinion, based on the kind of games I like to play, ME2, Alan Wake and Reach trump GOW3 and GT5. Don't know why more companies wont follow in ME's footsteps and eliminate

@Mancomb Seepgood: I have always been a Xbox user since the dawn of the newest generation of consoles. And I've always wanted to play one thing, the God of War series. Exclusives are killing me!!!!

@toxic: Whose saying they were Russians? The author mentioned Soviets, but correct me if im wrong, wasn't Ukraine a part of the Soviet Union?

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.2: I'd tie some bait onto a line and hang it off the bubble. I always wondered how far Jaws took down those barrels....

Well, at least it wasn't live puppies, with no protective bubble, and a river this time....

Too many people are treating this article like an advertisement. Its a buying guide, designed to give the most information they can to perspective buyers. The decision to buy still comes down to the consumer, as with advertising, and I don't think this article pushes people toward buying any more than it pushes people

Im pretty sure advertising does the same thing. And that's a multi-billion dollar industry.

@LeonBlade: Its a guide for perspective buyers dude. This isn't a constitution saying that if you don't buy an XBOX 360 than you will be forced to fuck a horse. Take it easy. They will do the same type of article for your precious console. At which time you can throw a way the horse and go at your PS3 instead.

@RockyRan: Your last sentance pretty much wrapped up your argument and any objective opinions.

Does anyone else freakin' love it when the government says they can "neither confirm nor deny" something?