
She talks about valuing creativity, and how creativity has been degraded, yet from what I can tell, very little she’s done is in any way creative, it’s just continued navel-gazing. I haven’t read her books, but would only do so if I thought they might differ from the conversation a particularly self-absorbed teenager

It’s like Crap Museum Exhibit From a Dude.

Yeah. People are fascinated by you, but not for the reasons you think.

Yes, because we all know the really stable happy people are the ones who married right out of high school and are too scared to ever try for anything else.

Got back into dating a year ago, my early 40s, after having been married since the Clinton administration. You're concerned about dating in your 30s? ADORABLE. :-) That being said, very good article, no matter how old you are.... some of the topics of conversation change, is a good bit of it; like, you both probably

Hi. I am a dude. I have this woman living with me, by my own intentional, cognizant action. The reasons why i moved her in to my place relate to pregnancy and her financial situation.

Oh believe me, they are gone. I extended an olive branch to my mother to make sure that I would never have that "what if" guilt, and she dropped it. I haven't spoken to my brother in almost 4 years. I hear what they are saying about me and my stepmother (who is amazing) through the cousins. Luckily, my cousins

Cut them all out posthaste. Not joking. Your life will be immeasurably better. Block the phone numbers, filter email to trash, go on with your lovely life. You'll be missing nothing.

I am embarrassed at the ridiculous nature of this, but here goes. I met him on a social media site (not a dating one, mind you- but Instagram.) He constantly liked and commented on my photos, which were primarily landscapes and street art, and we developed a friendship. Eventually we exchanged emails, then telephone

Omigod. Gotta say that your story got me terribly upset. But the postscript — the fake suicide, Canada, and the knife fight leading to inevitable the breakup — was deeply satisfying. It confirms my belief that even when I am unable to do anything about my subjugation to someone's unbelievable fuckery, their character

Getting called to the hospital because my wife had swallowed a bottle of aspirin after doing rails of cocaine all night, resulting not in death but in a violent miscarriage. She didn't even know she was pregnant. What she did know was that it wasn't mine. After finding out she'd been hiding her drug habit from me for

Oh god yes. I saw her at our ten year HS reunion, and she looks like an ugly Sideahow Bob.

One thing I find interesting is that the more the country becomes 1% vs 99%, and jobs with any sort of future or decent wages become scarcer, the more desperate some parents become to insist their kids are a combination of Thor, Marie Curie, and Picasso. We still cling to the idea that if our offspring is "special"

I am a middle class parent who reads parenting books and spends a privileged amount of time thinking about the best way to raise my kids. I love them to pieces and they are incredibly special to me, but I made the mistake recently of saying something to a group of moms about how my six year old is "pretty average" and

Probably John Mayer will provide musical entertainment as well.

Everyone always feaks out when I tell them I can eat a whole pizza by myself no prob! Glad to know I am not the only one!

That's only good up to a point.... Take the tech world, for instance, where a "good cultural fit" usually translates into "someone who looks and dresses and acts like all the bros in the department, and who will go drinking at their favorite bars with them". At that point, the honorably-intended "cultural fit" turns

Besides introverts, "personality that fits with the team" can also be a fig leaf for sexism and racism.

I recently interviewed somewhere where the only skill I lacked was software as a service. I got told I was absolutely not worth interviewing for this reason.

Being able to love your job is a rare privilege, and one most commonly acquired by possessing a sufficiently obscene amount of money as to be able to pick and choose where, when, and how one wants to work.