
Hi! I'm actually the server who submitted this story, the one you called a "fucking idiot" (thanks for that). Here's the thing - I described the dish to these women explicitly and they were nodding along and seemed to know what I was talking about. I'm not going to insult my customers intelligence by making sure they

It's like when you work with people and get to know them, it's almost like they're real or something.

Oh yeah, they'll be doing it until he's out of office, and then probably chewing over it for another few years.

Nor do you have to deal with the issues that being the President entails.

Bingo. Nail on the head.

There's a huge amount of racism at play here. When they're not being characterized as sluts, black women are characterized as sexless and/or masculine. Not that there's anything wrong with a woman who's more masculine than most (and oh I could spend hours on how we categorize things as masculine or feminine) but this

Just out of curiosity, does this make you re-think being friends with her? That kind of stuff tends to make me go, no, thanks.

A part of me hoped against hope that they would maybe be a multi ethnic group of friends rather than a real estate stock photo.

Well in Stanley's eyes black women are not allowed to be women. The only thing they are allowed to be is strong, therefore able to withstand extreme pressures that other women could not....therefore rendering them unfeminine. We all know what this is about. This is about black women pushing against the satus quo and

"As a bitch" you should probably know I wasnt looking for credibility , just framing my opinion...

As I'm reading this exchange, I'm really struck by how many times my desire to marry my partner of 17 years has been called unnatural and disgusting. Rock on, heteros, I guess.

One of my best friends is black, and he said I don't need any more black friends.

She is a goddess. Yeah - I don't know her music, to be fair. (I'm a fucking granny who listens to KROQ and Sirius Lithium.) But the way she moves, her face, her connection to the music and to the audience - you can't fake that shit.

Even the most mediocre Broadway actors can sing and dance competently on stage at the same time. It's pathetic that a pop star can't even manage as much without sounding like bad karaoke.

you must be a kelly rowland fan

Well, that's just plain awful. As someone who was in the military, I can speak to the amount of damage all of this infidelity and drama do, and how much more prolific it is in the military compared to the civilian world.

Audrey Hepburn is so twee and boring. Despite her style icon status, I don't and never have understood all the fuss. She's the original basic bitch.

As I wrote with Miss Teen Carolina, this level of inarticulateness is hard to do. You couldn't make this up if you spent any time writing it. The Muse, in the form of a synapse break, touched Palin, and she saw instantly all things and all people, all was one, she went out of her body, back in time, to the apes, to

Indeed, female-on-male violence is the number one cause of death among men. One third of all men who are murdered are killed by their female partners, and the risk shoots up dramatically when men try to leave. Although it sometimes goes both ways, this is a problem that primarily affects men, as 4 out of 5 victims of

In my early twenties, I was with a guy for about 3 years before I found out he was cheating on me—with a girl I knew fairly well. We broke up, I kicked him out..then make up and basically pretend it never happened. What can I say, I was young, trusting, and somehow believed all of his BS lies about how it would never