everybody talk
everybody talk
All these people out in Star City figured out their loved ones weren’t really themselves in a matter of hours, yet it took Team Flash WEEKS to realize the same had been done to Iris. How embarrassing...
Unfortunately, all you get is a parting on the other side.
The dearly-departed show Misfits got this song into my heart. The people who know, know.
The best thing about Eva was her hair IMHO, she had some incredible hair, I am super jealous. If that comes with being a mirror-verse thing, sign me up.
Said the same thing about Batwoman..like why don’t they just recast the part. Rose was Batwoman for a whole one year. They literally burn down the whole plot for a new character that makes little sense rather than just recasting the part. How is that worse and what they did?
On one hand, yes. On the other hand, you could rationalize this by the fact that Eva was previously being covert with her mirror dupes, and was now being very overt about it.
I think Frankie Goes to Hollywood would be more in line if Wells told him to RELAX, Barry, RELAX.
I must confess, I’ve always preferred Frankie Goes to Hollywood’s one. Barry will definitely protect Iris from the hooded claw, keep the vampires from the door. When the chips are down he’ll be around with his undying, death-defying love for her.
Just think, it didn’t take money, it didn’t take fame. Barry didn’t need no credit card to ride that train. Huey Lewis was, is and always will be the answer to all of life’s big problems.
I would so be down for that. Hell, retroactively put it in other stuff. Release a cut of Iron Man 2 where RDJ turns to the audience at the start and goes “Rhodey will now be played by Don Cheadle”
I would argue that Allegra has gotten some fleshing out, between her cousin and her relationship with Nash.
All these people out in Star City figured out their loved ones weren’t really themselves in a matter of hours, yet it took Team Flash WEEKS to realize the same had been done to Iris. How embarrassing...
I agree, but I did love Rene/ Wild Dog and Rory/ Rag-Man, and I even enjoyed crazy little Evelyn/ Artemis & hoped they would bring her back at some point after Nyssa rescued her from the island
Me, two weeks ago: huh, I wonder how COVID impacted production
When you’re positively comparing New Team Arrow to anything, you know you’re in trouble.
I mean, the handling of Ralph was bad, but at least he is gone
Man what a mess this show has become. The transition to a new Team Flash has been clunky at best. There are new characters who are barely developed and not very interesting (so far) like Allegra, Kamilla, and Chester. There are old characters whose status is confusing like Cisco and Wells. And the couple of good…
Okay yes, the Power of Love being what saved Central City’s life was goofy as all fuck(a mysterious thing y’know). But, I contend, it’s the kind of goofy nonsense that I want from my comic book media.