24kt Silver

Police seizure powers are widely abused. Sometimes they take and keep shit without ever charging or comvicting the suspect.

“Crushingly awkward?” Hyperbole much?

“Least Lucky” or “unluckiest” ?

Hey now...one man’s rejected Alfa Romeo concept is another man’s GM Design Study of the Year.

I have many friends who ride motorcycles for fun and daily transport and many that cycle for fun. Anecdotally, my friends on bicycles are injured with much more frequency than those who ride.

Where do you store your wife beating apparatus? Isn’t that part of this regional option package?

I’m calling ‘fake news’ on this one!

If only it were green...

My knee jerk reaction was to ridicule your position that hypermiling is somehow an enthusiastic pursuit, especially as compared to the chase for more speed.

Given that Enzo was well known to be a giant doichebag, it seems they got the casting right.

Auto accidents kill and maim FAR more people than terrorists ever can or will. Think of the Trillions spent protecting us against the minuscule chance of a terror events that could have instead been applied towards autonomous driving ventures, with PLENTY left over to spend on mental health initiatives. That right

Yeah, because reporting originating from unnamed sources about highly confidential matters is totally legit. Totally. “Three White House officials...” my ass.

If ever an article called for pics, it was this one. Don’t you think a few shots of the murals would have tied this together better?

All that design expertise and they stick with steelies for the wheels. Wtf

Would the Alfa Giulia count as a Chrysler midsize sedan? Because if so, they dropped the mic on Chevy.

‘Anal’ correctly describes this state of mind. (Being the shortened version of ‘anal retentive.’)

Journalism is only borderline better at this. While I’m not saying this is what happened here, in general in recent times journalists of both political leanings will intentionally omit contrasting facts so as to advance an agenda. Omitting relevant facts is just as bad as misrepresenting facts or making something up.

As someone who was just t-boned by an Uber driver yesterday at a relatively slow speed in an accident that could’ve been prevented by auto-braking, I approve this comment.

“Despite the price, automakers are pondering the switch to high-octane fuels because it allows them to run higher compression ratios in engines and use more energy from gasoline.”

Yes, yes you do. Its a brilliant PR tactic that deflects the issue from optically being just a Tesla issue to being an ‘every car made issue’.